There Are No Shortcuts to Greatness!

Last Update: February 24, 2011


There are no shortcuts to being good at anything. Learning new skills and growing a business  both takes time and effort. If you're a genius at something, it still takes time.

Sure, you may "luck in" to a goldmine, but that goldmine still needs you to tend it. Donald Trump inherited a fortune, but he still works smart and like a maniac.

People ask "How can I make money fast at Internet marketing"? Frankly, I've asked that question once or twice myself. As one who has been chipping away at this art form for a few years now, I think I have my answer. I've had friends ask me to show them exactly what to do, so that they can make money right away over the Internet. They don't want to suffer or to invest what I've invested. I don't get angry and I don't blame them either. I just laugh at the preposterousness of the concept. Even though this attitude is more than arrogant, I would be willing to help them if they had the right attitude. Oh heck, I'd help them anyway. They're not serious though, and I know it. They want the knowledge and experience by osmosis. Doesn't work that way. No one can transfer experience. You have to experience in order to have experience. 

How does one learn any skill? 90% perspiration and 10% inspiration. You learn best through total commitment and total application: blood, sweat and tears. May as well learn to respect and enjoy the process. "Real" success is not an overnight thing. So relax and enjoy the ride.

Mastery of anything is packed with complexity made to look simple. The computer itself is a good example of that. Internet Marketing done well is a skill that is full of complexity, synthesized into a simple process wherever possible. Mastery of anything is plowing through all the trial and error and arriving at the essence, the simple solution. It's the same in mathematics, it's the same in art. It may take fifty drawings to make a drawing in 5 minutes that finally comes together. Then people say, oh that's too easy.

I know all about the urgency of having money to eat and pay the mortgage. That aside, you can't rush the creative process. You can't force your garden to grow. Your garden will yield its bounty in due time. So will your business. Your job is to fertilize and water. Sun and earth will do the rest. 

Have faith!


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jatdebeaune Premium
@Jamie Smith: Thanks Jamie. @Labman: You see, you have it all. Do you live near Essex? My best friend lives there. @ Burntout: I'm with you Art. I'm a bonehead when it comes to this stuff. Gets easier with time. @kkaland:it's the same for all of us. Some people catch on faster but not necessarily better.
kkaland Premium
I love this blog. It's a good reminder that learning this stuff takes time and effort.
burntout Premium
Joan, I appreciate your words. Being a complete bonehead makes learning internet marketing quite a bit more challenging for me. It's great to read that perseverance has it's rewards! Thanks for a great post.
Labman_1 Premium
We have plenty of earth up here, I know its there somewhere buried under all that snow. Sun is in short supply. I know spring is just around the corner. Oh, and fertilizer, yup got lots of that.
Jamie Smith Premium
excellent blog Joan!