There Is Beauty and Power in Simplicity

Last Update: October 01, 2010

A while back, when I just started to learn Internet Marketing, my head was a traffic jam,  like a major freeway at rush hour: chaotic, frenzied, clarity obscured by too much data. Information was being lobbed at me faster than I could see it, farless absorb it, and from every direction at once, all the while, feeling this helplessness, when you are so used to CONTROL. Sound familiar?

This is a three ring circus that is way beyond the three ring circus of our childhoods. Actually, for me, it was like nothing I'd ever experienced before. I've had many victories before, but IM is different. Remember when the circus came to town? There was an air of excitement and breathless anticipation. You were finally in that tent, but inside,  you didn't know where to look first? With IM, my direction was every direction. It was fun and frustrating at the same time. I didn't want to miss one trick, not one solitary trick, which resulted in total confusion.

It ain't easy being green, if green means new, or if green means different. Or if it means both, as in this case.

Now that the "green" feeling is pretty much behind me, and behind many of you as well, I have to say, IM is one of the most rewarding things I have ever done. Why? Because I have learned so much. Not just how to make an income online. That's the by product. It's much bigger than that. For me, it was like jumping in water over my head not knowing how to swim and figuring out how to survive. It's scary at first, but what a sense of accomplishment when you get a glimpse of that light at the end of the tunnel, that ray of hope!

This is another big thing that learning IM has taught me. NO ONE  DOES IT ALONE!!! Acknowledge and be grateful to the people who have helped you. We complain a lot about the big sales pitch, the ever present new programs that seem to grow in our inboxes. Even that is part of our education. Being able to tell the difference between real and spurious is part of our education.

You reach certain plateaus in this business, and on each plateau, at each level, you gain insight. One of my insights is a recognition of the value in simplicity. "Keep it simple stupid" has taken on more meaning. I think it's important to learn from everyone and to learn as much as you can. Then I think it comes down to a time when you just take it back and make it your own.

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Louise M. Premium
Yes! I always try to keep things simple. I really think people tend to over-complicate everything. The more simple things seem, the easier you can act upon them and eventually achieve your goals. Nice post Joan! :)
BradB Premium
Thanks for an excellent message and a great reminder as I start my busy day.

I used to be fairly safe when I did research because I did in the local library where I dug through books and reports and asked the librarian to do some digging as well.
You can't get side tracked in the Library like you can online.

Talk about Rabbit Trails..........yikes.

Now I know enough and I have my hands on all the tools I need.
The daily task with me is to stay on target and make sure I get those Three essentials done every day.

It was 5 but who likes to end every day in the whole?

Thanks again I hope you end up having a successful day.
Fallulah Premium
Right on the nose as usual Joan :) I've recently had cause to chuck out, simplify and streamline myself and feel the benefit of it. And for me too, my online work feels the most rewarding I've done - I don't feel like an imposter or a failure when things go wrong, I just work to right them. It's a good point you make as well that becoming discerning is a valuable part of the process. I wouldn't feel so good about it all without WA though and I salute everybody who contributes to the success of us all every single day :)
WRI Premium
So true. Thank you so much for sharing this blog entry. I am still very green. You are right, there is a lesson to be gleaned and insight to be gained at every turn along the way.

Gold for you :)
Labman_1 Premium
I guess I'm still Green. But thanks for that. I needed a pick-me-up this morning.