Throw The Garbage Out!

Last Update: April 09, 2010

Not to be cruel, and I don't mean literally throw anyone out, but a negative  person's attitude can be contagious and end up hurting you. So don't allow it!  It's not fair. I think it's immoral to erode  a person's drive to accomplish something, even if  it isn't understood. The best way for you or me to handle these folks, is often by just staying away from them. You're not hurting the person by avoiding them. You're protecting yourself. Believe it or not, it took me years to learn that I don't have to associate with people who bring me down. Just send them love and send them on their way, at least away from you.

You know what? I even avoid the news because it is too negative. If you create what you think about, then I'm thinking happy thoughts. How about you?

We are here, committed to achieving something that is not ordinary. Yes, IM is special. Not everybody has the fortitude to see it through, and that's OK. It takes strength to work and work and work some more before seeing results. What gets your through is knowing you're on your path and that you'll arrive. Anyways,  you're having fun. So what if it takes some time, as long as you're enjoying yourself. I do many things just for the love of it, anyways. They often end up making a lot of money. But that's not why I do it. Don't misunderstand. Money is fantastic and I enjoy creating it. Nothing worthwhile is ever achieved without diligent application and a good attitude.   

"No pessimist ever discovered the secrets of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new heaven to the human spirit".

                                            -  Helen Keller -



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jatdebeaune Premium
You are kindred spirits. Thanks for your comments.
cld111 Premium
I'm so happy there are so many like-minded people on here. I also believe that you change your world based on your thoughts and what you choose to focus on. And if others don't, that's OK too! They are free to choose. And we are free to choose not to focus on them. :)
Not2Late Premium
Joan... high five to you. I love your post.... well said.
Louise M. Premium
Thank you Joan for this brilliant post!
What you're talking about is so true and I pretty much have the same attitude as you have, I just avoid the news sometimes and stay detached from people who are just being too pessimistic and I hope they could see life differently and communicate differently. It's not always easy to stick to a well-balanced behavior and positive mindset but little by little, you can find that balance and surround yourself with people and things that are inspiring and that push you to do better each day! :)
Roy Penrod Premium
Well said, J. Well said.

The good news is you can change your way of thinking if you change your beliefs.

I believe it was Shakespeare who said "There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so."

Change the way you look at the world, and the world changes.