Took April Fool's Day Off

Last Update: April 02, 2010

Why not? Felt great. Needed a break from IM. Exhausted. Gets intense after a while.

Visited the tax man. Got that over with. Then played all day. Went to lunch and to the movies. Saw Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland and really enjoyed it. Love 3-D. Heard a few negative comments about the movie from friends. I think they are wrong. Interesting departure from Lewis Carroll.  Not to mention, I am a devoted Johnny Depp fan. Loved the imagery.

Then I got a surprise insight. Similarity in all things. Success is "discovered". You find it. Everything seems to be like that. Whenever I have designed a collection of fabric prints, I started out with only an intellectualized idea. You have a feel for what is to happen, but in the beginning, there's no real form. Then by starting the process, things happen. Your ideas change and you should allow that. You mold your ideas. The "thing" takes form and materializes.  At this point, the "thing" takes on a life of its own. What you end up with is light years better that your initial idea.  Your Internet Marketing success model is unfolding. You're discovering it.  All you have to do is keep going.

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jatdebeaune Premium
First year I haven't played a prank though. Hope I'm not losing my sense of humor. Yes Mike, go see the movie with your family. I have nephews, ages 6 and 8. They really enjoyed this movie.
sox1n05 Premium
Ugh, the tax man...I hate that guy!!! That's why I try and at least do my taxes myself! Like you, I have heard mixed reviews on Alice in Wonderland, but I think Johnny Depp does really well with just about everything he does. I am going to have to check it out some point. I have yet to do the 3-D movies, so maybe that'll be my first!