Tortoise and the Hare

Last Update: February 05, 2010

Being a tortoise isn't all that comfortable, but if it is the way to win the race, then let's carry on. I am learning that you have to be steady, constant, and persistant with IM. Patience is a virtue on land. In cyberspace, it is survival. I'm also learning that this is not a race, but a process that needs to be respected and enjoyed every step of the way. I have to be honest about this. When I read about people writing 100 articles a week, I was blown away. I felt like an idiot. How in the world can a person write 100 interesting articles that fast, unless someone is helping them or they spin them or something. My sister volunteered to help me, but even the two of us together can't do that many articles that fast. So, I will write one good solid article a day so that I don't spin into orbit. I agree with the person who said that if you are miserable, you'll quit. Go for the long run. Cut it down to what you can handle comfortably and enjoy the process. Be the tortoise.

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cld111 Premium
I know a couple of people who have either done the 100 articles in a week thing, or tried...and they got burnt out. I don't know about you, but the lure of IM to me is the freedom that it offers. But you're not free if you're sitting in front of your computer for 12 hours a day. That's worse than a real job. :)

Anyway, that was my long way of saying I agree with you!
prosperity2010 Premium
I agree. One day at a time is the best way to go.
dr.bob Premium
Great comment. I enjoyed reading the post. Stay in there and you will do it. Remember, You Are a Winner.