Trends 2011 and beyond!

Last Update: May 09, 2011


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You probably intuitively and deductively know most of this forecast already, but as marketers, it's worth thinking about in planning for the future.

Here are some of the high points:


-Mobile everything: mobile memes to moblogging to waning interest in point-and-shoot cameras


-Counter trends to broad shifts in consumer behavior: To balance out increasing immersion in the digital world, people will embrace face to face gatherings and digital downtime, and come to fetishize physical objects once considered humdrum.


-The trend toward Radical Transparency will see a growing backlash (Ignorance is Bliss)

-Nothing new here, but influence is still strong...pop culture, sports, architecture, fashion, and other realms have the potential to drive or shape trends in the near future.

-New technology (3Dprinting, virtual mirrors, electronic profiling).

-Coconut Water: PepsiCo is partnering with GNC to put Coconut water products under brand name Phenom. It's gone Hollywood with Madonna, Demi Moore, and Matthew McConaughey all investing in Vita Coco.

Btw, coconut water is great for you! Reputed to help get over hangovers.

- Sustainable Fashion or Ethical Fashion is becoming mainstream.

-Greening the palate: Global shift toward a vegan diet.

-Bacon Everywhere: flavoring syrup, cocktails, desserts, bacon flavored beverage.

-Gluten-free products.

-Public needs levity: fun games in retail stores.

-Non-Commitment Culture: Renting rather than buying big ticket items.


-Technology as integral to living as food and clothing.

-Retailers should emphasize face to face interaction as they re-invent themselves.

-Brands will become key partners in global renewal to restore the environment.

-Digital connections coming to everyday objects

-Hyper-personalized digital world.

-More temptation than ever to over-spend, over-eat, over-text.

And, there's more.

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morlandroger Premium
Thanks for that insight, some really useful stuff there Joan. BACON beverages?