Trust Yourself!

Last Update: April 27, 2010

Don't run with the herd. Be your unique self. Don't copy anybody. Be true to yourself! Do it your way. And for crying out loud, have some fun!

The New Englander in me compels me to quote my hero: Ralph Waldo Emerson

         "Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of our own mind".

                                      Essay on Self-Reliance

We have all been presented with a great opportunity to learn Internet Marketing. It's like being given an ocean of possibility. No limitations. The entire world is our oyster. We can't exhaust it. How exhilarating is that!

From what I can see, all we have to do is feed the Google gods by offering good content, and learn all the technical stuff that'll help us make sales, and we're on our way.

Yes, I know many of us have backs against the wall. Lost jobs, mounting bills. desperate to fire the boss. I'm not exempt either. Just remember, we are building our businesses. Logically, that takes time. Lush gardens start out as dirt with seeds buried in neat rows. The garden has to do what gardens do. Your garden doesn't care if you are hungry in May, when it will yield fruits and vegetables in July. So it is with your business. You don't have a choice. So sit back. Relax. And enjoy the ride, or choose another way.

We are here for the long run. Remember, 3 years from now, this struggle will be a memory.






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jatdebeaune Premium
I knew you would resonate with these thoughts, Louise. If it isn't fun, who needs it?
Louise M. Premium
What a brilliant post Joan! I so much agree with you. It's a pretty relieving way of thinking and looking at AM. We're building our success each single day with each action we take. It gotta be fun and stay fun! Thank you for this post!
jatdebeaune Premium
Hey Kathy, I'm fine thanks and thank you for the gold. Glad post rang a bell and helped.
Not2Late Premium
Thank you Joan... Gold for you. I needed a blog like this one today. Hope you are well south of the border :)
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers for yet another great blog! Thanks for all the love and good vibes as always sister.