Two Moons is a Hoax, But Meteor Showers Are Not

Last Update: August 13, 2010

Many apologies guys. I fell for the Mars hoax twice. No spectacle on August 27th. No spectacle on October 30th. Thanks Brad, Diane, and Andy and NASA. 

But there are still meteor showers this month. If you have a clear uncloudy sky late at night, do check them out. Fascinating. I like to lean back on my car and watch them. (We have ticks in our grass, alas).

It is a wonderful show.

I took the other blog out so as not to confuse and disappoint anyone.



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jatdebeaune Premium
Hey guys, Brad, Diane, Andy...thank you for setting me straight. Romantic notion over took me. NASA said such an event would bring tidal waves, so hey, what a relief it's not so.