Uh Oh...Inspired Again

Last Update: March 13, 2010

Gotta be careful with me. I'm impressionable. LittleRhody inspired me. A 14 hour workday? I can do that. Done it before. My family's going to have a fit. Too bad. That passion and insane commitment really appeals to me. Love it, love it! Thanks LittleRhody. You done good! Off I go! 

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jatdebeaune Premium
Now I'm inspired by you! Hat's off to you Mike!
sox1n05 Premium
That's funny cause it's the same with me. I work full-time, so finding the time and energy to work on IM is definitely a challenge. I always find a couple of hours everyday. I'm a full-time husband and father, a full-time profession and a FIND-TIME internet marketer!