Veldt-Schmertz Is Human

Last Update: May 09, 2010

That's a word I learned years ago on Seventh Avenue (NYC), and I think it is a perfectly descriptive word for "hitting the wall", so I use it whenever it applies.

It's a melancholy feeling that comes over you when you want control over things, and don't feel that you have control, at the moment. It's good to have an outward expression for stress. Better not to implode. So, to admit veldt-schmertz, then move on, is probably healthy and human. When you feel it, really FEEL it, then change your mind as fast as possible, and get back into the game asap.

Like many of us, I have had many conflicting things converging in my life all at once, such as illness of beloved family members, etc... things we all have to deal with from time to time. Of course, the well being of loved ones comes first. But, it has also interfered with my concentration. So, how do you handle it? You adjust. You refocus, just like the GPS. Meditation helps. Also, tell yourself, "This too will pass".

I took yesterday off to go to the museum to see American artists:  Winslow Homer and John Singer Sargent. Worked wonders. Sometimes, something as simple as that can change your outlook. I will be writing my head off, and painting my head off too. So, if you don't hear from me as much, that's where I'll be. Wish me inspiration! And as always, I wish you the same.




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cld111 Premium
I hope you had a great time painting and had plenty of inspiration. I hope everything is OK.