What Does "Getting Into the Flow" mean with IM?

Last Update: August 15, 2011

What does it mean to you to get into the flow?

To me, it is a state of elevated consciousness, like a new plugin. A veil is lifted. You have accessibility to realms previously blurred by mental fog.

You know when it happens? When you least expect it, and usually after prolonged effort. So, newbies, DON'T GIVE UP, the party hasn't even begun.

I can enter that state of bliss quicker in the graphic arts because it is my sweet spot. It's more natural for me. IM has been a challenge. It has felt like someone pushed me out of a spaceship onto a  strange planet. My only skill for IM,  that has given me even a speck of confidence, is a "seat of the pants" marketing skill, which I developed as a designer in a very competitive marketplace. Other than  that, I was totally LOST.

What a great experience! Learned a lot about myself through this. I learned that I don't like feeling lost. I don't enjoy not having oars, rudders and sails. I abhor not being in control.

The good news is have faith,  survive the fog,  and you'll break through to sunshine.

I'm beginning to get that nice feeling that safe crackers must get, after they've cracked a few safes and they start to feel it in their nimble fingers.

Tech issues aside, I'm beginning to feel good.

How 'bout you?

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jatdebeaune Premium
@Nirnaeth: I think one needs to get some basics down pat so as not to be tentative. Once that happens, things start to flow. And also one shouldn't avoid what scares them. Just tackle it. Emphasize strengths.
@Barnabus: That sounds nice Barnabus. I can feel it with you. No resistance.
Barnabus Premium
Hi Jatdebeaune..Interesting post...Elevated consciousness...I remember many times going for hours on end... writing, researching, then writing some more..always 5 more minutes..then 5 more..I was in the flow..the world outside was gone..if the PC crapped out, I had pen and paper standing by.When I am doing my IM and get in the zone..I move along at at the speed of light..I can tell when it's time to stop because my mind just goes blank...poof!...just like that.

Each time I do I turn everything off, go do something around the house that needs to be done. Eventually, I go back to my little work area ,saddle up my workhorse once more, and off we go once more, riding off into the internet range, looking for the zone.

Yes and you are right..it does feel good
Nirnaeth Premium
Very inspiring post! It's so true, once you get through the starting troubles and get some practice it'll be easier and better! I've had that feeling before, but somehow it's harder for me when it comes to writing. Or maybe that's perfectionism getting in the way *lol*
Everyone has something they're better at and something that's harder for them, but it will get easier. Never give up! :D