What? You Can't Even Pick Your Own Poison?

Last Update: September 26, 2011

"Drink the Kool-aid! Pass the Kool-aid!" Did you ever wonder what that means exactly?

This is an expression that has become popular in companies in the US and Canada, and it started in the late1990's.

Been hearing it too much lately. Had a discussion with business friends about what exactly does the phrase mean? Nobody really knew, yet they banter it about.

I have a negative knee jerk reaction to it. After all, doesn't it refer to the Jonestown massacre in which Jim Jones ordered residents to commit suicide by drinking a flavored beverage laced with potassium cyanide?

The phrase is used to describe a firm belief in something, without questioning. It describes "fervent devotion". Really?

Forget it! By reference, it's a tasteless phrase. I bring it to your attention because it is a phrase that is widely used in the tech industry, particularly in San Francisco,  to describe company devotion. Employees are expected to accept what the company is offering without questioning.

I think that idea is not only tasteless, and insulting, it is also dangerous.  

My friend is in publication. He and a group of associates were told by new execs at a company corporate meeting that they are all expected to drink the Kool-aid.

Ai yai yai!

I wasn't going to blog, but here you go anyway. This one's for you burntout! I always keep my promises. Truthfully, I wanted to see how the new stuff works. Could be no one's going to read it though. But that's another story.

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jatdebeaune Premium
@jdonn: Awww, I didn't intend to put you guys on the spot. I love writing blogs. I enjoy reading fellow members blogs too, and have felt they would get lost with the new interface. Frankly, I don't know how to find them. Maybe I'm a big mouth, but I think the new layout is disrespectful to members. So you see, I would not be a big hit in a corporation that required obedience either. Haha, I would sound off and probably get fired.
jdonn Premium
Even if a company doesn't come right out and say it this "obedience" is implied. A lot of the time even asking for employee feedback is a joke because it's never acted upon. I've always enjoyed reading your posts and should have commented more. Just to let you know
jatdebeaune Premium
Touched guys, I thought my WA blogging days were over. Kaput! Finito! Where do you find the blogs anyway? Thank you for letting me know you're still there. I didn't want to stop blogging, but I thought it would be lost in the maze. Of course, people in this community would find such a phrase as drinking the Kool-aid distasteful. I'm with you!
Marvin Premium
Good point. When I hear the phrase, Jonestown is the first thing I think of. We should retire this phrase.
As for the visibility of blog posts, it is different but I'm getting used to it. Found this one!
Labman_1 Premium
At least one person has read this. Don't think you are hiding your light under a basket. It's one if by land and 2 if by sea. Should I stop or just keep going. BTW I like Kool Aid. I do have a problem with blind obedience though. I'm sure many of us here are of a similar bent.
Ripley Premium
This is why I am so happy to be self employed for the last 17 years. Don't think I could keep my mouth shut anymore. I was very loyal and gave my all to the companies I worked for. What did I find out? We can all be replaced!

Just to let you know, I always read your posts. You write so well, please don't stop!