Who Are You? Be True To Yourself

Last Update: May 11, 2010

If you are anything like me, you are constantly questioning and re-evaluating your own purpose, your own raison d'etre. Why? For me, it's because oftentimes, I find myself getting involved in things that seem unusual for me. So, I'll ask you some of the same questions I ask myself.

Why are you really doing this IM thing? What are you trying to achieve? What are you hoping to accomplish? What are you bringing of yourself to the world? What "special" thing do you have to offer?

These are the thoughts that were going through my mind at 2:00 AM this morning when I was too buzzed to sleep.

No, it's not just for the money, though that is a very compelling reason. Independence? Bingo!!! But there's something more. You have something special to do that can only be done by "you". And you have chosen a world stage in which to do it. You are as unique as a snowflake, so speak your truth so that we can all hear it. Love what you are doing, or don't do it. Believe what you are saying, or don't say it.

We are learning a technique, how to market something online. What you do with this knowledge, this "technique" is what really matters, and will be the ultimate reason for your success. Think about it. You can have all the technique in the world, but if you have nothing important to say, or nothing of real value to sell,  then who's going to buy it?





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Jamie Smith Premium
did I mention that you ROCK?!! Cheers for yet another excellent blog. Great minds think alike once again sister. I sent you some WA Gold.
beachballer Premium
I AGREE 100%. Very well said and thank you for this post. We must know why we are doing this, and identify what our intrinsic gifts we have to offer are so that we can best evoke them for positive change. As we take this route, the money will follow...
cld111 Premium
I keep asking myself the same question. Sometimes I think I have that "thing." That reason why I'm here, but then...I lose it! In the meantime, I'm just trying to enjoy it all! :)
jatdebeaune Premium
Great place to be Louise. Exciting!
Louise M. Premium
I found it like a week ago Joan! Seriously, I really did find that reason and the unique thing I have to offer and that I really wanted to make it big and bring real value to people and do it my way. So your post is... right on time! :) Thanks for this great post, as always.