Who's Big Idea Was It To Put Us In a Test Tube?
Last Update: July 03, 2010
Don't you just love being predictable? Hey, am I really like this?
Found it particularly interesting when researchers said that once the basic material needs were met, people are motivated by things other than money.
The "creative" need reminds me of all of us here.
Well corporate world, listen up!
Here's something that will fascinate you from Daniel Pink.
The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us
Fun to watch!
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I think we did Maureen. Have read excerpts from A Whole New Mind. Haven't read the whole book yet. Haha..."Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future".
I always find it comforting to be reminded that we are not so predictable with carrots and sticks after all. Take that, Skinner! Thanks for this video, Joan. And I think Dan Pink was one of our early blog chats...didn't you and I discuss A Whole New Mind in a blog follow-up? (Love that book!)
You got it Jamie. Me neither. You are very blessed. And I am too. No one wants to be captive and bossed around, but if there was more respect in the workplace, then no doubt people would be happier and more productive.
Jamie Smith
Cheers for this great blog sister! I have not worked a "job" in many years. That video clip really speaks to my soul. I am so thankful that I blaze my own trail.