Posts by Jchilders 14
Today marks my first ACTUAL payout from my IM activities. Years ago when I FIRST tried IM, I had sold a couple things through Clickbank. What I didn't realize at the time was that before you can get the funds out, you have to have enough sales to have a transaction from a few different sources..Paypal, Visa, and MC. Since I only sold like 2 things, I didn't reach that mark. So over the next year or so, I had to watch as every week they would take $1 as an 'inactivity fee' fro
If you have been here any length of time, I'm sure you've realized that if done in a proper business fashion that this is not a 'get rich quick' thing. It will take time and effort to build your business.Because of this, I URGE you get started DOING as soon as you can! Which One Are You?If you are here because you lost your job and need income, I wish you the best of luck and hope that your funds can sustain you until your business gets going. It's going to be stressful I&#
Just a quick blurb...I heard on the news that ICANN, the group that maintains the Internet Top Level Domains, has opened up the application process to add new TLDs. Looking at their site and the list of applications so, there are some doozies on there! :)Two apps for .LOLNine for .BLOGFive for .BUYFive for .FREEEven one for .WTFAhhh, I'm sure 99% of them will be rejected but fun to see what people want to register!Check it out for yourself at:
June 06, 2012
So now it begins for serious!If you've been an avid reader of mine, and really..why wouldn't you be will remember I posted about finding a mentor to help keep me moving down the right path and getting all the steps I've learned in the right order in my brain.That relationship has shifted a little bit...he still mentors, but it is now taking the next step to more of a JV arrangement.Over the weekend I got the last bits of our website together and we are now going to let it
May 31, 2012
I've been at this IM thing off and on for several years. I started out on my own as I am sure many of you did. Buying e-book after e-book, spending lots of time, energy, and money without much to show for it...I was discouraged.I took a year or two off and recently came back to WA with the intention of making it happen. Step in the right directionInstead of doing the same thing as before, I asked more questions and listened to people that are actually DOING it, not just selling e-books about
*Rant mode on* :)I really hate not being able to get on Live Chat during the day..I miss the people I grew accustomed to seeing on a daily basis! I've been trying to think of ways around it, but I guess as long as I have to keep my day job, I have to live under their internet rules. LOL*Rant mode off***Pre-edit - ok, this sort of turned into a motivational rant. LOLThe moral(?) of my rant is to tell you to not take for granted all the tools and people that are available to you here or an
So I just published my first ever training module on keeping your project organized. If you would, take a look at it and let me know what you think. I'm sure it's a little rough around the edges so any suggestions you might have to help me make it more useful would be great. I'm more of a 'do'er type person so explaining the steps needed is a little foreign to me... but I'm working on it! :) I'm hoping this is like article writing and it will get easier the more
So Mr. Irony came and took a big ole chunk out of my butt this weekend.  For years I've told friends, family, and anyone else that asked that you should always backup your important data.  Keep a couple copies in different places if it's REALLY important.  Good advice and I still stand by it.  Unfortunately, I only STOOD by it and didn't actually USE said advice...and as the first line stated, Mr. Irony stopped by this weekend. I got home from work Friday all exc
Ok ok, kind of a stretch but the only penguin reference I could come up with on short notice.  :)   I'll admit I have not read too much about what the latest Google update entails except that it relates to the Google Webmaster Guidelines. *playing devil's advocate* What about sites that do not use Google Webmaster Tools?  They could be penalized for something they did not even know about.  To be honest, I do not use the Webmaster tools so I have no idea what the
One of my goals for 2012 was to be more active here at WA.  Usually you would find me lurking in chat most of the day (US time) off and on as I would keep a window open while I'm at my day job. I'm not sure what changed, but that seems to have come to an end.  I'm guessing our IT department blocked off whatever port the chat was using for updates.  It still works at home, but not here. :( So to all the 'usual suspects' ;)  I normally hang out with du