Stepping It Up A Notch

Last Update: June 06, 2012
So now it begins for serious!

If you've been an avid reader of mine, and really..why wouldn't you be will remember I posted about finding a mentor to help keep me moving down the right path and getting all the steps I've learned in the right order in my brain.

That relationship has shifted a little bit...he still mentors, but it is now taking the next step to more of a JV arrangement.

Over the weekend I got the last bits of our website together and we are now going to let it settle a little and see how it does in the rankings, earnings, etc. We have lots of top 10 and top 5 results for a bunch of our keywords and are expecting traffic and sales to continue if not rise if we can bump up a couple spots on certain words.

Instead of sitting back and patting ourselves on the back, we started looking at the next site. This one is going to be much more ambitious, bigger, longer term, WAY more content... it's both exciting and scary at the same time. In fact, I am going to be working with another person as well on the site (another mentoree of his) to lessen the burden some.

We are still in the planning stages, just met up on Skype last night, and doing KW research so I'm not going to say much about the niche yet. But I am excited about this and hoping it goes as smoothly as the other one!

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