Where is Batman when you need him?

Last Update: May 04, 2012

Ok ok, kind of a stretch but the only penguin reference I could come up with on short notice.  :)   I'll admit I have not read too much about what the latest Google update entails except that it relates to the Google Webmaster Guidelines.

*playing devil's advocate*

What about sites that do not use Google Webmaster Tools?  They could be penalized for something they did not even know about.  To be honest, I do not use the Webmaster tools so I have no idea what the guidelines say.  Are my sites in jeopardy?

I don't think I am doing anything wrong on my sites..as far as I know..not spamming content, not spamming links, etc.  But what if there is a line in the guidelines that says all sites have to have a 14x14pixel purple block in the corner of the homepage?  

Suddenly I am violating their arbitrary rules and get dinged!

Is this Google's way of forcing everyone to use their tools? Couldn't that be construed as monopolistic behavior?  Didn't Microsoft get in big trouble for that a few years ago with the whole IE/Windows thing?

True, you don't HAVE to use Google for traffic, but for the beginning IMer it's the easiest place to start.

Am I totally off-base with my thinking?  Maybe, like I said I haven't read the EXACT details of the change.  :)

But sometimes you gotta question authority just to keep them honest.


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Carson Premium
jchilders Premium
My question about being penalized for not having WMT installed was because the Penguin update penalizes sites that don't follow the WM guidelines. If you don't use WMT, then you don't know what those guidelines are...so, in theory, you COULD get penalized for not using WMT.

On the Microsoft thing, I never felt forced to use IE. Yes it was installed, but it didn't stop me from loading and using another browser (which I did). I always thought MS got a raw deal on that one. :)

I agree, WMT WILL help you to follow Google's rules on how they want a site to look/perform. So it is a good thing to use to make sure you are right in their eyes.

Just being 'that' guy.. hehe
Carson Premium
jchilders Premium
Ahhhhh..ok I stand corrected! I thought the guidelines were something you 'agreed to' by using webmaster tools.

..and I FULLY agree on the proper use of IE LOL