Jon's 2012 Goals

Last Update: April 06, 2012

Reading IveTriedThat's blog about setting goals, I decided to put mine up as well.

1. Get 2 PROFITABLE sites up and running

2. Become more active at WA so I can have a chance to meet some fine folks in Vegas ;)

3. Along with #1, increase my income by $500/month

I'm with Apina too..I've horrible at making goals but let's see how this goes anyway. :)


Personal Goals

1. Organize my home time better to be able to work on IM more

2. Up my activity to lose 10lbs



Good luck in your 2012. Let's make it a winner!

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kyle Premium
One thing Jon, learning how something is done should not be a goal (they rarely get achieved), doing it will lead to much more achievement. You might want to rephrase #2 to state something like "successfully outsource 3 writing projects" or "successful get a custom theme developed for wordpress through outsourcing". These are far less ambiguous and will give you much more direction.

Good luck on your goals and we definitely are glad to have you as an active member within WA. Would be awesome to hang out in Vegas this year!
jchilders Premium
Updated. See I told you I'm bad at making goals. :)
kyle Premium
Nice...looks good!