Local News and How I Know I'm Old

Last Update: February 17, 2012

Ok, so this has nothing to do with IM-ing but I just had to vent and see if I'm the only one...

I saw a recent local news story that a woman got arrested and CPS called on her for leaving her kid in a car when she went into the store.

The story actually ran details from a couple different cases so I'm not sure of the exact details but seriously???  I remember growing up I'd HAVE to go to the store with my mom for the weekly grocery trip.  I never wanted to go in and follow her around the store so I'd stay in the car and sleep.  If I got bored, I'd eventually go in and walk the aisles until I found her.

No one cared.

No one got arrested.

I wasn't emotionally scarred by it.

Of course back then people didn't sue for doing something stupid to themselves.  If I got hurt and I was doing something stupid..tough break kid, suck it up.  I didn't go looking for someone else to blame.

Ok...I'm done venting...for now. :)    


...plus I just wanted to get a WA blog up, all the cool kids seem to have one.  LOL 


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Louise M. Premium
true! people are overreacting these days. but in the past, some parents were not aware of some dangers, they were not putting sunscreen on their kids or were smoking in their face! lol one extreme to the other!
Oh Dear Dad!

That is really funny, Jay.
jchilders Premium
This is true. Of course nowadays even though people DO know it's bad, you still get a-hole parents smoking in a closed up car with their kids, etc.
magistudio Premium
I used to walk to the store and buy cigarettes for my Dad when I was a kid and it was officially OK, because he wrote a note for me.. LOL
jchilders Premium
Crazy Canadians! :) But yeah, times have changed quite a bit. I remember, when I was MUCH smaller, riding in the car and laying on the console in the back window because it was warmer...and because I was the youngest and couldn't fight for room in the back seat. LOL
muskyblood Premium
Funny you talk about this. A friend of mine ran into the gas station to pay for her gas a few weeks ago and this crazy old woman was waiting for her by her car because her toddler was sitting in the car alone. Of course, the kid was still in the car seat fastened, but this woman went bananas. She called the cops and told her to wait. My friend said take hike and left. Nothing happened after that. But for cripes sake, really? I do this at least twice a week while getting gas, and if anyone pulls that crap with me lookout!
Labman_1 Premium
Thanks for the rant, yup, Once upon a time we were told to do what you want and be home for dinner. 6-8 hours later we'd pop home for a meal then off again.
We'd get around on our bikes, that we had to pay for out of our own money and mess around in the park for days at a time.
O'course back then babies didn't die in 200 degree heat cause mom left them in the car with the windows rolled up. ( Still do see dogs in cars sometimes) but yes, we live in a litigious society now.

Progress? I think it has swung too far over, but hey that's just me.
jchilders Premium
Yeah I hear ya. The good ole days! :) My brother and I used to say the world has gotten TOO safe over time and stupid people aren't getting weeded out when they're young anymore and they grow up to be stupid adults...so now, as you noted, we have parent's leaving their kids and pets in sealed up cars in the summer.