Posts by JSon 4
August 28, 2010
Sorry if my first couple Blogs are a little off, i'm not used to writing this way nor am I used to having it read.   Anyhooo whats up with me. My first campaign is going good, I have several sites in one niche. You see, I have a fear of committing to a new niche.   I'm dabbling in FrontierVille, no success as of yet, but my lenses literally were just indexed. Speaking of indexing lenses, I'm getting good at that. However being able to stick to a position specifically in a search query
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August 26, 2010
Now their is this new website I heard of called Ashmax.   Apparently it is something that many people frown on doing, but I am internet marketing to make money not debate morals.   The reason they frown on it is because you make your money by signing up other people, the website is the product your selling. However since the website isn't an actual "product", it becomes hazey. However I've done my personal research and I found that this seems legal, and it seems like it would
August 24, 2010   It is a video of a man who wrote a book, and what he has to say is very captivating. If you need a little burst of inspiration, I think you'll enjoy the video.   I made a post about it in the forum so if you've read that, then don't bother this is the same one.   Information about my newest phase of internet marketing: Internet marketing is something that we have to learn. Learning internet marketing is a process, and throughout this pr
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August 17, 2010
What should I start with... I'm going to pre-warn the beginners. Here is something that has been personally difficult for me, that you may or may not experience as well. It is hard for me to talk about internet marketing to my parents, but they have been very understanding. It just saddens me that it is difficult to get across just what I am doing and how much I have accomplished... Sometimes you have to be proud for yourself. Sometimes I feel like my whole life has been an e
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