Life Of Jason

Last Update: August 17, 2010

What should I start with...

I'm going to pre-warn the beginners. Here is something that has been personally difficult for me, that you may or may not experience as well.

It is hard for me to talk about internet marketing to my parents, but they have been very understanding. It just saddens me that it is difficult to get across just what I am doing and how much I have accomplished...

Sometimes you have to be proud for yourself.

Sometimes I feel like my whole life has been an exercise in impressing my parents, and my mistakes were the forced outcome, yin yang.

I also hate being misunderstood, can we all agree that is the worst?

Let me end on a better note. The future has never looked brighter for me personally, as it has right now, five months down the line into internet marketing :). Keep truckin lol.
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JSon Premium
Wow I just re-read that and it is kinda depressing =). That is the extremely sleepy version of myself writing right their.