I Could Use Your Help

Last Update: August 26, 2010

Now their is this new website I heard of called Ashmax.


Apparently it is something that many people frown on doing, but I am internet marketing to make money not debate morals.


The reason they frown on it is because you make your money by signing up other people, the website is the product your selling. However since the website isn't an actual "product", it becomes hazey. However I've done my personal research and I found that this seems legal, and it seems like it would work. I'm here to make money.


If you want to invest a very small amount of money, you'd be helping me and yourself out a lot. The amount of money is just $26, and if you can sign only five people up you have a possible return of thousands of dollars. Do the math, this makes sense.  So please, sign up through me and help contribute to my five. Then work towards your own success!

Check it out here:



Thank you for helping me and yourself out!


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