Need a little inspiration?

Last Update: August 24, 2010


It is a video of a man who wrote a book, and what he has to say is very captivating. If you need a little burst of inspiration, I think you'll enjoy the video.


I made a post about it in the forum so if you've read that, then don't bother this is the same one.


Information about my newest phase of internet marketing:

Internet marketing is something that we have to learn. Learning internet marketing is a process, and throughout this process you'll reach various questions, that you have to spend a lot of time answering.

Their comes these shifts in your question, and for each shift I've named I've called one of my phases.

My current phase is on dabbling in as many markets as possible.

He talks about the importance of writing down your goals, because it is increased commitment. Now I'm not only going to write my goals down, I'm going to share them with all of you. This is even more commitment to my goals, right?

Goal #1) I want to be making a consistent $100 a day by the end of September.

Goal 2) I'm going to meet a girl by the end of September. I'm keeping this goal vague on purpose. 

It would be cool if anyone else comments this with their goals, join me in my commitment, let the subconscious mind work for you!


Ok have a great day! Until next time.


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jatdebeaune Premium
I, too am a student of the law of attraction. Nice video.You do have to be clear in your head about what you want, but trust that you will get what you want, even if you don't know how you're going to accomplish it at this moment. I find it all totally fascinating. Thank you for sharing this video.