Feel Like Quitting

Last Update: July 25, 2010

The title say's it all. Is there anyone who can help me out.

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dmjones23 Premium
Hi kclark

Hang in their man i'm sure there is lots of people here to help just reach out, I started just over a month ago and II am getting all the help i need im no smarter than you are dont be a quitter unless you really dont like marketing, selling is fun, it just take time sometimes.
Jamie Smith Premium
In my opinion, the only reason to consider quitting is if you do not enjoy marketing. If you are thinking of quitting because you have not reached your $$ goals, but you do enjoy marketing, then I advise you continue on your journey.
NEA03 Premium
My favorite IM quote: "People DO NOT fail at internet marketing, they simply GIVE UP before the magic happens" I had to read this so many times before when I felt like just giving up and quitting because this can get pretty frustrating sometimes, there are a lot of new things we have to learn and some of us don't learn so quick(like me!) or we have trouble deciding what we want to do(me again!). How many times did Thomas Edison "fail" when inventing the light bulb, isn't it like 1000 or something? Don't quit, don't give up, you can accomplish so much and be successful if you stick it out.
Lynette43 Premium
Hello kclark, I'm new to this program , I'm interested in knowing why you want to quit. Do you feel anxious? Do you feel that the minute that you sign onto this program that you were going to make the $$$$? Well if any of these question are any of the reasons for you to quit DON'T! Why? because there are plenty opportunities but you must have patience with yourself #1 I'm saying these things to you because I found myself being frustrated and anxious pretty much anxious and the person that I kept emailing inreference to this program had to bring me down a noche its all because of the great potiential that this program brings to the table. That ia all what I will say at this point until I hear from you in detail of feelings about things. So I hope to hear from soon.
jatdebeaune Premium
First have to know why? It does get frustrating sometimes. Don't do anything you will regret when you feel like this. Feeling like quitting is a nice safety hatch. If I can help in any way, let me know.