Frustrated Again

Last Update: July 25, 2010

     I finally have some time to get back into the swing here at WA, and I must say I thought I was making some progress but I still seem to get lost and confused. I am working on finding a niche or product to write articles on and I can't seem to make up my mind. I think that I may need to start over from the first lesson and do everything over again. I can't understand why I am having such a hard time understanding what to do. Getting frustrated all over again. 

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STT-1969 Premium
Hey there my friend, you have the right attitude, keep moving and learning... Wealthy Affiliate has all the help you will ever need and like yourself am frustrated but I won't give up... Be strong my friend, I havn't consentrated on a "Niche" yet, I am trying to teach myself and learn fromall the helpful friends and tools here @ WA... So far I have learnt that it takes time and I would rather it take time and build a sollid foundation instead of a quick fix and have it come and go like the wind... My site is slowly building up speed with the traffic that is coming to it and over time that will turn into a loyal group of people who Hopefully will be part of my team... Keep up the good work my friend and feel free to send me a line if you want to chat...
Be happy you are in the position to re-do the lessons. I've lost my income, and if that wasn't enough, the affiliate income I was getting from another site cross-wired my subscription with my affiliate account - so half of every subscription payment went back to me into my affiliate account. Out of $101 I made from there, $7 of it was from a single legitimate sale. It got my hopes up and I had it all pulled out from under me. I owe the company now even though it was their faulty account services. I had a very hard time coming up with last month's WA payment. This month it's just not going to happen.

Do it over again if you have to and be very happy you can do it.
Fallulah Premium
I agree with Joan. I know it's easy to get discouraged if you have to take even a short break as I have over the last few days doing bridesmaid duty! But I do think it's just about repetition once you find your groove. Keep kicking and chin up :) We're all with ya!
DABK Premium
Contact me with questions. I have a few answers. Cross my heart. Honest too!
jatdebeaune Premium
Please don't be discouraged. If I am away for just one day, it feels like a year and I forget everything. A quick review will get you going. This learning experience is all about reviewing the material until it becomes second nature, or intuitive.