Still Struggling

Last Update: June 27, 2010

with my current work schedule of 12 hour days, it's extremely difficult to find enough hours in a day to really get into the getting started lessons and keep learning. I am still confused and also having trouble finding a niche. So now my question is "am I just a complete moron or am I making this more difficult than it really is"? Im not sure, but Im thinking "moron'. I am just not having a good experience trying to put together all of this information into a cohesive easy to follow action plan. I don't know what's going to happen next but I certainly do not feel like I am making any progress at all. What is my problem? 

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newwave1972 Premium
Here is you problem, how do I know? I currently am working a 54 hour job and spending time with my family and taking care of the house, and making money on the Internet. How the hell you ask? You have to use the task manager at WA that is what takes a big mountain and breaks it down to levels. Here is what I do, find three things that you would like to do per day. After you get the hang of this IM should take you about 2 hours. Spend at least 10 hrs per week through out the whole week doing this. But if you write the things down you would like to accomplish then you will have less time figuring out where to go and spend more time getting there. PM me if you have questions on how to use the task manager. Hope this helps.

AngelinaJames Premium
I understand what you mean. I am a stay-at-home mom with four young kids so my problems are a little different. I may not be at a job all day, but I'm still tired at night when I finally get around to working online. Although the information here is great, it's hard to piece it together when you're a total newbie. I think it's more a matter of trial and error. Just try. Just write some article somewhere following some of the methods here. Then repeat. Eventually you'll get the hang of what works and what doesn't. I hope that process works anyway!!! Good luck!
jatdebeaune Premium
I am totally sure you are simply tired from your day job. A 12 hour day is bone crunching. My hat's off to you. I felt exactly the way you do and still do even though I am making progress. It's the over-achiever in unfamiliar waters syndrome. I thought I was a moron too, because I had a nagging feeling there was something I was missing. I way over complicated things. My advice to you is meditate on your niche. Come up with just 5 ideas that you think you can love writing about, do the research to make sure you will have an audience.Then get a product from one of the networks like CJ or Linkshare or ClickBank. Get keywords with low competition and a high AP. And just write articles, following the structure outlined at whichever directory you choose. Check for keyword density here at WA. Submit the article. Just do that and you'll get your feet wet.
maureenhannan Premium
I'm guessing this is about time constraints and tiredness--not about being a moron. I'm new as well, but I am getting better at niche discovery (I think) and keyword research. I just posted an article on my WA blog about what my process looks like. It's evolving all the time--and I have still only made a handful of sales. But maybe it'd be helpful to read what others are doing? That way you'll know that you're not alone in looking for "systems" to help you use your time well. And also maybe get an idea or two that'll make your own process easier and less stressful.... Good luck to you! ~ Maureen
Felio Premium
I'm also struggling and confused. I can't understand WA membership ranking criteria. I joined on the same date as you but my membership rank as at 28 Jun 10 is #7056 whereas yours is #367. I'm still undecided which niche I should choose. I can feel that your 12 hours work schedule is a real obstacle. But you are Clark Kent (kclark) the superman, you should be able to succeed.