Last Update: July 25, 2010

There is just so much information missing in these lessons that I am not able to learn effectively enough to stay focused because I have to keep jumping around to the forums and other places to try to find the answers that I need when they should be contained in the lesson. I thought this was a step by step getting started course? There is too much trail and error and it's not really a step by  step course if there is a step missing or instructions missing. I would really like to talk to Kyle and Carson about this. I know that this is a cash cow for them, but this is really ridiculous. How do they expect you to learn anything like this. Is there anyone out there you can help to make more sense of this and make it simpler and easier to comprehend, understand and apply. I am having trouble taking action because of it, and yet the front page says you have to take action. Well how can I take action if I can't understand, what to do to take action.


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dec944 Premium

I understand where you are coming from. I think Wealthy Affiliate HAS content, but it lacks structure in telling you how to use it. I am posting here the content of a post I did in the forum. You have got to clear the noise level. There are way too many directions so here is a previous post of mine and how I cleared the noise level out in order to take action.

"I feel your pain. I'm in my 50's but spent 30 years in high tech so I felt comfortable going into this. Being in your 50's has nothing but benefit in this game. Older and wiser. I worked for a company that pioneered email in the 80's so I thought I had this whipped. Then I started and thought for the first time in my life I have been whipped.

And then I remembered, "paper or plastic". They don't even say that any longer but the groceries used to always ask you this question so I remembered that after I augured myself into the ground. Here is what I mean:

Do you have a product or service?
Do you want to be an affiliate or direct sales?
Do you want free or do you want to pay to market?
Do you want a full income or residual?
Do you need a website or are you referring to someone else?

If you take this approach you will clear out the noise and a lot of noise there is. I think the Action Plan is great but because I wanted paper I had to weed out the plastic. I didn't want to pay Google, I wanted Google to pay me. I didn't want to build a website, I wanted to make money off someone else. I didn't want to promote ebooks, I wanted products.

So, clear the noise and only read about relevant techniques until you have figured out your path. Use the yep, nope method. Do I need this, nope. Move on. After you have conquered the one you need you can listen to the noise to see if there is new melody.

I found IM to be about focus. Not really smarts or even knowledge, but focus. You need to get laser on your idea. If it is a good one ONLY use the techniques you need. If it is a bad idea, move on."

vladimir Premium
YES! the word "making action" is somewhat "ambiguous". Anyway, to start with -- what do you want to achieve? What do you think is something you know that can contribute to your goal? Do you have products/ services to sell? That's the first thing that you have to ask your self. It should come from you. NEXT, use your goal as "keywords" (at least 4 words) for the learning videos/ guided document available over youtube or somewhere else over the Web. THEN, practice /test the content of the instruction in that material. GAUGE your outcome in a week or month time. CHANGE your plan if nothing happens in a month time.
jatdebeaune Premium
Woweeee, you got my attention. Have you checked out slugger's EOS (Evolution of a Sale)? It's a series of videos in which Pete and Mike walk you through the process. They show you what they did to break through. It's all about trial and error. IM is dynamic and very creative. That's what's so much fun. Just relax, and learn from the smart cookies here at WA. No such thing as an overnight success.
Moonstone Premium
What ever course you do it isn't completely comprehensive, there are always additional books, CDs etc with more information. It would pay you just to do the course and not worry about the additonal information to begin with as you won't know at this stage what additional information you need. Once you do the course you will then have something to anchor to and can then do the more in depth courses and check out the information on the forums. There is no way on this earth you will learn the whole of IM in one course or in less then a month (yes some people do have some success in that time) I've done this for over two years now (some away from WA) and am still learning. Also if you try and do everything that everyone says it will drive you crazy as people do have different levels of success doing things in different ways. It's too early to make that judgement call and as slugger said, even with all the knowledge in the world there are elements that may not work for whatever reason, ie better competition etc, that you will learn in time to overcome. If you have a specific question, and you have not found it on the resources or forums you can PM either Kyle and Carson and ask them. If you read pot pie girls blog etc you will see that she is always testing the water and testing the market etc and she is successful at this. So good luck, just keep at it.
Slugger_mn Premium
Hey, first you have to choose which direction you would like to move in.. What are you trying to achieve, how will you achieve it? These are questions you must ask yourself these questions and come up with your own answers before anything in this place will help you.. Once you have chosen a method that you would like to "give a whirl" you can begin learning how that takes place, then continue to take action with that... Nobody can pick this up over night, and now where does it say that.. If you want to make this work you will have to do just that, "trial and error" and a lot of it! But is it worth it to wake up one day, look around, and say, "hey I am making good money online!"... yes it is.. Trust me, that feeling is something to work for, and when you get there, you will love how it feels! I recommend trying a separate course that some of the members here in the w/a offer.. Some cost money some dont.. but they are worth it as they are more crash course, and offer enough knowledge and tools to take action in a specific direction quickly... No over night success is an over night success..