Posts by Kyle 734
What's up everyone.... I want to hear your thoughts on Bing.  They are gaining market share, but in my honest opinion, this is some real fake stuff.  Their market share is being bought, not earning through "quality" improvements, something I think is going to drive their PPC ad biz potentially into the ground.  Check out my full article here: Is Bing Faking It - Gaining Momentum or Buying Love   As always, would love you to drop your feedback within my SA article. T
April 29, 2011
Are you a news writer?  Do you have what it takes to write about the news?  YES! (emphatically) I wrote an article dedicated to SA'ers to help them get their news articles ranked, getting traffic, acquiring you authority and popularity, and ultimately earning you money. Leveraging News for Traffic Our approval time and our ranking time is huge in allowing you to get news items ranked.  Find out how I got over 15,000 clicks simply by spending 30 minutes writing about the news.&nb
1 comment
April 28, 2011
Yeah, my article to find out what I think.  Is Trump MY HERO?  Leave me comments within my article.  I heart your feedback.  Peace out.  Kyle
Hey everyone, I just posted an article on explaining how you should be utilizing Street Talk, the latest commenting platform at SA. Writing articles that attract feedback can benefit you in many ways, exposure, "street" cred, and in monetary ways. Read the article when you get a chance and if you have any questions or feedback, let me know. Cheers, Kyle
April 20, 2011
A commenting platform has just been added to, Street Talk.  You can now create a dialogue within your articles and create ongoing and intriguing discussions.  Comments are good for a few reasons.  (1) They allow you to get an idea of how "interesting" your article is.  Typically the more comments an article gets, the more intriguing it is. (2) They allow you to get feedback in regards to your writing and the topics you are writing about.  Th
March 25, 2011
Want to discover hidden niches?  Want to find the most current keywords, as in were being typed in today?   If you are looking for new ways to discover keywords and niches, my latest blog post is for you. Read About the Google Instant Technique Check it out.  Comment on it.  Share it.   Enjoy, Kyle
OK folks, I just made a post on the WA blog that you should probably read.  I am going to show you some things that you may or may not want to hear about article marketing... Is article marketing dead?  If so...WHY?  My thoughts and analysis of "writing" in general going forward. Does Google Hate Article Marketing?      
OKEY...just got back from Vegas last Friday.  What a wonderful time we had hanging out with everyone there.  We got to meet a few new faces that didn't make it last year and more importantly, talk about the upcoming year in a no-nonsense, no promo...just pure marketing jabber.  Me and Jay wearing our "fur coats" prior to going in the MINUS 5 ice bar. One of the dicussions this year was "how to pimp yourself out".  The thing is that those who succeed a
I personally think so.  I do make goals and I have nothing against people making goals, however waiting until a specific date to make a goal has always seemed a little crazy to me. This in most repsects is referred to as PROCRASTINATION!  How come on January 1st a procrastination is somehow deemed as a "resolution". You were never told to wait until next month to do your homework.  You were never told to wait until Friday to be nice to someone.  You were never told
December 24, 2010
Hey hey, I just wanted to wish everyone worldwide a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.   I hope you have a wonderful holiday season and get to enjoy this times with the ones you love an care about.  Get well rested because a brand new year is ahead of us.   A year to look forward to.  A year to thrive and grow immensely on a personal level!  Again, take care...enjoy the holiday season! Cheers, Kyle