Articles from all angles

Last Update: September 24, 2010

I spent the day with Articles.  When I got full of writing, I went out with the Search Dog and hid Articles for her to find.

Finally submitted my first Article to Ezine and hope to be accepted.  I followed all the rules so I don't expect to see a problem.

Elphie is finding hidden items without problem but we are still working on her indication.  I am finding that withholding her ball until she goes down is working. ( Downing next to the Article is her indication)  She still doesn't want to do it but she's starting to offer the behavior without prompting.  Another 6 or 30 weeks of this and I'm sure she'll be solid with it.  

 I expect I will be spending a comparable amount of time with Article writing before I feel I have it down solid.  With any luck someone will see fit to subsidize my efforts.

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Banta Premium
Best way to share your knowledge, the articles with your passion.
Best wishes.
Frets Premium
Welcome the the club, eh?
Labman_1 Premium
Caterpillar Update: I ended up with a whole passle of Caterpillars, I didn't know they lasted this long. I have 11 Chrysalis' at this time, more will be turning tomorrow. All told this round will be 17. My neighbor is a teacher so Monday I'm giving him 4. The rest I'll hatch and tag for their trip South.