Connecting with your audience

Last Update: June 10, 2012
While bouncing around on You Tube for a bit today. ( Thanks Daniel and Jay)
I came across a videographer that posted an interesting challenge.

He was videoing people in a country where he didn't speak the language. A group of videographers were all there and none could make the connection with their subjects

Here's his solution.

This can work just as well for your websites as it did for him.
Make a connection with your audience and they will participate.

This may take the form of writing to a specific individual, You might need to do some research into what your audience needs (research the forums) or wants. It may just be an item on Pinterest the piques their interest.

Whatever form your interaction takes. Make it mean more by making a connection with your audience.
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mama2karsten Premium
Absolutely love the correlation. Great example!
StacyLM Premium
Thanks so much for finding this, and for putting it out there. This is a positively brilliant illustration of a successful communication technique. I think that we tend, when creating our web sites, to think about our "selves," and how we will appear to others, when we ought to consider whether we are connecting effectively with those we hope will visit, and return to, our sites. Really brilliant. Thanks so much for posting this great little piece.
Labman_1 Premium
The key is to connect with your audience. Do this and the world opens up for you.
lemuel Premium
Thanks a lot for the quick reply. Forum research is something I need to improve. I'll do something about it.
lemuel Premium
Thank you for this blog Labman. I'll see what I can do to improve my website. Right now I already increased visiting time between 10-30 minutes but getting them to buy is another thing. Can you give me an advice to improve my website?
Labman_1 Premium
Looks like an impressive site. If you are targeting the fat loss market first, you are in a very competitive niche. So keep that in mind. If you can get a portion of it you will do well. So, find some forums on loosing weight. See what people want. You jump right in to heavy duty exercise videos. Most people are coming at it from another angle. Their Doctor just told them they are Pre-diabetic and need to drop some weight or they will be on meds for the rest of their life.
So they may be wanting something but 6 pack abs isn't what they are after. Try to identify a specific piece of the market. Figure out a demographic of people that you want to appeal to and write for that group. Choose products that they will want. Perhaps a low impact Yoga routine. I'm not in the niche so I don't know what might hit their buttons. Forum research will identify that for you.
Hope this helps.
BIS Premium
I agree with @ Labman - it is very impressive site.

My view is that you are not optimising your pictures - if you go to my blog space you will see that I did a blog on the placement of pictures - which might help if you implement a couple of the suggestions there.

I notice also that apart from in the margin area - your calls to action (ie when you ask them to buy) are all at the bottom of the page - which means they are below the fold and people may not scrll down.

Best wishes

ECAffiliates Premium
Where do these people come from - going to Africa and India what a tour. Anyways to the point connect to wants and communicate . Video made me happy. Thanxs!
Labman_1 Premium
Glad you enjoyed it.