The Great Google Smack Down

Last Update: January 15, 2011

Well, I thought I had a site.

I know its here somewhere.

But, none of the software seems to know where it is.

It's almost like it was never indexed.

I'm hoping for a return in better position but for now it might as well not exist.

This is puzzling to me as I have been nurturing this site to try for rankings and all of the sudden, poof.

My first backlink to it from Ezine was even published today.

BTW, I stopped looking when I got to page 17.  So it might exists somewhere deep in the bowels of Google.  Who knows?


Guess it should be called the great Google Bounce.

Back and better than before.  Not on page one yet but moved up to 17.  This time Scroogle is showing me in 17 where last week it showed me at 33.

My browser showed me on page 2 but apparently the local machine shows better positioning than someone elses machine.  So,  at least I'm listed and moving up.


Scroogle has me at 14 Today.  9 more and I'm on Page 1.  Page 1 is taken up with Google maps listings so only the top 5 organics are showing.


Showing 10 on my search, Scroogle still has me at 14.

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smadronia Premium
How old is your site? I've found that for the first month or two, your list can really bounce around. I've gone from indexed, to not indexed, to not showing in the first 20 pages, to 58, and then started climbing. sometimes it just takes a while and some patience before Google stops yanking you around.
Hazie Premium
Labman, I've had some similar situations. There are special bugs that get into sites that indicate they want to be lost, and then it makes it hard to find and rank them. But, seems like yours got over itself, and it moving up in Google. Good show!
morlandroger Premium
Well done Labman. Onwards and upwards as they say.