Posts by Magistudio 244
September 30, 2009
I want to give a shout out to Kevin (kevinfar) in WA. I hired in within WA Jobs for some review articles and I think he did an excellent job. So why am I telling you this here? Well, the WA jobs rating system is still being tweaked so I am unable to give him a 5 star rating and since hundreds of you read my little blog posts here - I am recommending his work right here! Thank you Kevin for an excellent job with the articles. If yo
1 comment
September 17, 2009
For those of you who are worried about 'yar WA gold', I am please to let you know that WA gold is back up and ready to be hoarded or given away to build your Karma pool... What the heck is WA Gold?? Well, since WA is an online community of internet marketing experts and students, the WA gold is a way to virtually say "Thanks"to those who have helped you. It can be from a tutorial in the training center, a blog post (like this one) or even a simple forum post that helped solved a quest
Hey Everyone,  I want to give a shout out to Kyle and Carson (and the dev team) for creating such an awesome Platinum members area. With everything that is offered here, there is no need to buy any other tool related to internet marketing. Make sure you take full advantage of everything that's offered here.  Think of it as an internet marketing buffet in Vegas -take in as much as you can get!! See you all in Vegas!