Posts by Magistudio 244
Hi Team, I've been reading about many you who are feeling overwhelmed with this internet marketing stuff, so I feel compelled to help out. I understand how WA's training can be overwhelming as it is extremely detailed and thorough. But as with any new career or business - it's required. That being said, you can be successful at internet marketing by following some simple steps: Find a niche that is popular. Use this to search a niche trend: It'll even
Hey Everyone, I just posted a WA Job (click here to see) for a 500+ word, Press Release article. This new website is going to shake things up in the IM world... If you have article writing skills, I urge you to bid on the project as you will be a pinnacle part of this website. Here are the details: TITLE: New Website Offers Internet Marketing Resources to Affiliate Marketers NOTE: Please write a PR article with the above title and main keyword is 'Internet Marketing Resources'. Please write a
Hi Team, Just a few kind words on this new  360°, Network Marketing thing that seems to be floating around... There seem to be a couple members promoting this thing and getting all excited at the viral aspect of it. Which is great and I wish you all the success with it. But I don't want to 'go down' on your line or touch your 360°... OK, maybe I should show you the site I am talking about first. This is a new network marketing 'thing' that's floating around
Hey Members, I want to take you back to a time when you first joined WA. Do you remember that feeling of excitement you had and the satisfaction of joining a members website that will teach you how to make money online? Take a minute (literally 60 seconds please) and go back to that time... Now, how do you feel? Did a little bit of that excitement come back to you? Let's try another one.. (bare with me, I have a reason for this) I want you to take another 60 seconds and go back to the time
Hey Folks, In the always ongoing search for nice looking Wordpress Themes, I have found another one. LightWord Theme It has up to three columns and it's a simple clean layout. This would be ideal for a straight product review as it doesn't have too many distractions.  Oh yeah - it's a free one too. Enjoy! Have you found any good looking WP themes lately? Post your comments below.
Hey Everyone, First off - Happy Easter to everyone who celebrates this holiday... I wanted to make sure everyone knew that my last post about Clickbank paying affiliates with PayPal was an April Fool's Joke. Based on the comments, it looks like I tricked quite a few people. :) But for those who didn't visit the link in the post or read any of the comments - it was a prank and CB is NOT paying with PayPal. I know... it would be nice if they did. But for now, direct deposit and check.  
Finally!!  Clickbank is going to start paying affiliates with PayPal It's been a long time coming and I am extremely happy to hear this news. I read on the Clickbank News Blog today that they plan to start paying out affiliates with PayPal effective May 1st. OK, Now the bad News...  They also announced that this will be their only payout method, so if you don't have a PayPal account - you better get one right away. OK more bad news. Since Paypal has slightly higher fees, Clickbank
Hey Everyone,So how many times has the phrase 'Instant Money Code' popped in your mailbox recently?I'm here to remind you that it's just another product that you don't need as long as you are a WA member.I made a video showing you that the name on the sales page isn't the name who owns the website! Check it out.As long as you have WA in your pocket, you don't need anything else.
1 comment
Hey Everyone, OK, Frank Kern is releasing his List Control product today and I am here to tell you to resist the urge to purchase! Why? Because you have everything you need right here at good ol' WA... Frank isn't re-inventing the wheel with his List Control product, it's merely a different (and way more expensive) way of teaching Email Marketing.  If you want to learn about effective email marketing and how to build a list, simple go to the WA Email Marketing Training Section here: https
March 04, 2010