Posts by Magistudio 244
Hey WA'ers, Just wanted to create a quick blog post on the shiny new WA blog and funnel system - and to let you know that my list is growing at a massive rate. For those who are unsure what the WA Blog & Funnel is, allow me to quote: The WA Blog & Funnel system is a business in a box for Affiliates. We have created a system that puts a tested sales funnel at your fingertips and gives you the ability to build a recurring income from multiple streams. You get your very own personal
Hi Everyone, I am sorry to say that today's live broadcast has been canceled.  I will announce the next date in the coming days.. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but my whole family is sick and I need to attend to their needs today.    
Hey members,Thanks to everyone who has come by and hang out with me via live video broadcast.My next Broadcast will be on (Cancelled)In this episode of Internet Marketing Coffee Talk, I will talk about the power of Wordpress and how I set it up properly for internet marketing.Have a question?Click Here to Submit Your Question in AdvanceThe above link is simply a form that goes to my Google docs, so no personal info is kept.
Hey Fellow WA Members,This Wednesday (June 16th) at 4PM Pacific (until 5:00pm), I will be hosting a live video broadcast called internet marketing coffee talk. Main Topic of Discussion?An Affiliate WalkthroughI will take you through the steps that I do to find a niche.This is your chance to ask me your questions on anything internet marketing.Feel free to come on over. should come on by - I've been told by pasts guests that it was aw
June 10, 2010
Hey everyone, As a last minute surprise, I am broadcasting live on Ustream and if anyone wants to stop by and ask me an internet marketing question - feel free to come on over. I will be online until June 10th - 2pm Pacific. Come on by!  
1 comment
A big cheerful 'Hello!' to you all - I want to personally welcome each and everyone of you to WA. I have been a member since March 2007 and have never looked back. I am sure there are plenty of you who are feeling a little overwhelmed with the plethora of information within your new membership. So... Here are the first set of learning resources I recommend you start with: Introduction to Internet Marketing: Action Plan (Step-by-Step): https://
Hey members, I just posted some cool new seo tools for you on my website: ==> These tools can give you insight on how your website is doing in the search engines or even spy on your competition, but you didn't hear that from me... :) Go ahead and play around with them as there are 62 different tools for you to use with my compliments. No charge, no up-sell, no opt-in required, just use and enjoy! ==> Kind Regards,
Hey Team, For those who don't know who I am, my name is Jay and I was one of the few lucky members who attended the WA super affiliate conference in Las Vegas. Now, I have been doing some live videos where my clients ask me questions in real time and I would answer them live through webcast. And I am considering offering this to you... I would schedule a day and time next week where you can attend a live webinar (no cost) and ask me any questions of internet marketing or seo. There would be no c
Hey IM Partners,Last week I posted a mindmap on how I dominate niche campaigns - you then asked me questions...Below is the video with all of your answers. It's 15 minutes long, but I suggest you roll through the entire video.If you have any comments, suggestions or additional questions - please leave them below. The more feedback I get, the more often I am willing to do these videos. :)
Thank you.. Thank you very much..  Hey Team, I am happy that my last post (How I Dominate My Affiliate Niche Campaigns) was found useful for everyone.  That said, I am sure you have burning questions about my mind map. So, I am taking questions and requests for new posts. All you have to do is leave your questions, comments or requests below.