Posts by Magistudio 244
Hey Team! Would like to be in the hotseat and have me look at your website  to offer some advice? Are you having trouble with your website where conversions are low? I am here to help.. This is why I am going to put on a hot seat webinar where I will take a look at 3 different websites and offer some suggestions on SEO, SEM & Mindset. Now, to assure you that I know what I am doing, here are some search engine results I have acquired: affiliate resources: #2  (63,700,000 r
Hey Members! My last blog post, I started a campaign to have my friend Louise M. add a real photo of herself. Well, guess what? It worked! Click Here to See the Real Louise M.   Now, Why did I spend all this energy creating this campaign? I wanted to show everyone how easy it is to create hype and curiosity and that YOU can apply the same with your own marketing. It doesn't matter if it's article, CPA email or PPC marketing, creating mystery, hype & curiosity is a VERY effective mark
Hey Folks, I am starting an official campaign to have Louise M. put up a real photo of herself.    In you don't know Louise, she is our awesome French WA connection who lives in Paris and is a big contributor to the WA community. You can check out her official blog here.  To give you an idea how well liked Louise is, Kyle and Carson asked her to be a guest author on the WA blog.  Here's her post. So, I want you to join me with my campaign and add your comment below to s
Simply amazing from a 10 year old girl...
1 comment
Hey Folks! Do you need some extra money this week for PPC ads or anything IM related? Well, head over to the WA Jobs section and have a peek because there is a combined total of  $1592.85 up for grabs right now. How do I know this? The team at WA have made an amazing change to the layout of the WA jobs section which shows you the average bid of each jobs - so I did some math and added it all up. Why am I telling you this? Because you all have some sort of talent that is valuable to someon
Hey Super WA'ers, Have you ever had someone in the workplace that always seemed to carry a negative attitude towards everything?Back when I had a J-O-B, (I used to teach gymnastics) there was a person who always 'found the glass empty'. He always found something to complain about. But did it bother me? Nope - as I am the guy who tries to 'find the glass half full'.And you know what? That guy is still teaching gymnastics today...I have since moved to a much better J-O-B and my office is the Weal
Hey Team WA..Made a video the other day and thought I'd share it with you. In this video, I show you how to find a 'how to' niche using nothing but Google to tell me what is popular and relevant.
Hey Everyone, Well, pulled out the whiteboard and made another video for all my friends and students here at WA.  Inside this video, I talk about how I build small niche marketing campaigns and how I build backlinks for these campaigns. It's just under 15 minutes, so grab a drink, perhaps a notepad and enjoy! If you have any questions about what I talk about in this video, please leave your questions below. Simply Click the image and the video will play in a new browser window  
Hey Folks, Remember the first time you heard the Beatles? Well, that's what it was like for those who attended the live broadcast - pure Euphoria! :) Yesterday's live broadcast was awesome.  Thank you for everyone who attended. We had a little technical hiccup with the screencap sessions, but overall, I was told it was very informative. As promised, I recorded the session and the link is available below. Next topic for next broadcast? I am now tak
Hi WA'ers, I am holding a live web broadcast this Friday July 9th @ 1pm (PST) where you can ask me questions live and I will answer them on the spot. I've done this a couple of times before and people have mentioned they find tremendous value in these live broadcasts. So, if you have questions about IM, Wordpress Express etc. I encourage you to stop by. There is no charge for attending this even and I will NOT be selling anything. Here's the link where the live broadcast will be: http://www.ust