Posts by Magistudio 244
March 01, 2010
Hey Folks,Day one at the WA Vegas conference has come and gone and it has been an amazing experience. Meeting other WA members who are only known by avatar is pretty cool...We spent the evening hanging out and networking - breaking the ice kinda thing. So pretty low key as tomorrow is the big conference day where we talk about affiliate marketing strategies etc. I made a quick little video tour of the room that I was given - it's pretty awesome!
February 22, 2010
Well, it's official... I'm going to Vegas with Kyle & Carson! Carson emailed me a couple of weeks ago with the invite and then just the other night, I got my flight details which made it very real. As an added bonus, because Kyle, Carson and myself live in the same city - we are going to take the same flight out. How cool is that!? It's like I won the internet marketing lottery! As you can imagine, I am super exciting to be hanging out with the guys and the other WA super affiliates in the
2009 for me, has been a tremendous year... Things that I have done: Traveled to a couple different affiliate seminars for free Increased my WA commission Purchase two vehicles and put silly Lambo doors on one Started a new search engine marketing company Conducted my own seminar for small businesses Started my own e-store (Lambo Doors ) Wow - as I type this out, I am realizing that I accomplished alot this year!   Wanna know the secret to how I did all this? OK - here it is: I Did NOT gi
Here's the result of Daddy playing too much rockband...  3 Yrs Old & 11 Months Playing Van Halen's 'Jump'
Hey WA'ers... As a form of inspiration, I wanted to show you what you can get when you make a bunch of sales for WA.  Pretty fancy pants huh? The point to this short little post is to tell you that I am no different than any of you and that you can achieve your dreams of being a full-time internet marketer like I did. Oh yeah.. and get a cool pen! Thanks Kyle and Carson for the swag!!  
November 17, 2009
Hey Team WA,  So, have you ever stumbled to a website that says 'Under Construction'? Or have you been guilty of the same thing? Yep - we've all been there. What impression does that give you of the business? Let's think about it from a different perspective: You walk into a restaurant, sit down and order. Ten minutes later your plate arrives and says: 'Under Construction'. Doesn't leave a positive impression does it? Well, it's the same for a website. Think about what you could put on th
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Hey Fellow WA'ers In my last blog post, I challenged you to unsubscribe from all internet marketing related lists that you are on. I hope you are all taking action and focusing only on WA stuff and learning from here only. Today I want to tell you about some new affiliate banners that just came available in the WA affiliate area. Click here to see the new banners...  There are a variety of sizes and style to accommodate all type of websites including Facebook, Adwords and Wordpress. I
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I don't know about you, but when I first started out in internet marketing, I was subscribed to every internet marketing guru's list you could think of. I WAS INFO HUNGRY ON HOW TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE I thought that if I was subscribed to these lists,I would be able to find little bits of relevant information that I could use for my marketing campaigns.  And I did find some good info. But I was already a member of Wealthy Affiliate... In fact, I found myself consuming so much time reading
Hey Everyone,Today I want to let you all know about Google Analytics and how important it is to implement on your website.For those who don't know what Google Analytics is. It an online service provided by Google for free where you can track how many people come to your website, which keywords are used and how long they are on your website. One of the cool things about Google Analytics is that you can cross reference each of these details. So an example would be: I know that in the month of S
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Hey Everyone, Okay, how is that for an enticing title!? Allow me to explain. Being a full time internet marketing consultant you end up making some pretty good money and have some extra cash to 'play'. Well...  I played with some spare cash and bought some Lambo doors for my VW. See below. I now think that I am the coolest Dad in the city rolling around with these lambo doors and a couple of child car seats in the back. Now if I can just convince my wife that they are practical... Any a