Posts by MarlaineV 5
January 05, 2010
So it's been a few weeks since I joined the WA University, and I've got to say, I'm completely and thoroughly addicted! I've always enjoyed writing, and so article marketing was where I started. It's a perfect fit for me, because I was already looking at taking some writing courses at the local college for fun this winter, but figured there was no real profit in freelance writing for beginners.  The profit in IM for writers seems to be much high
December 23, 2009
First Lens! First Article submitted to! Quite exciting, but I'm all of the sudden exhausted LOL.  
December 22, 2009
I have now been a member of WA for 1 week and it's time for a progress report!  WA is an incredible resourse.  I have learned so much that it is almost unbelievable that only 2 weeks ago I had never even heard of affiliate marketing, squidoo lenses, back links, KEYWORDS (my nemesis), and the like.  Now I find I'm dreaming about them, quite literally.  Has anyone else found him/herself addicted to this? You can't stop thinking about wha
December 17, 2009
After MUCH fiip-flopping and playing around with ideas, I think I have found a niche about which I could write and write and write some more!  It's something I LOVE to dream about but have never yet done. It's something that isn't one of those "obvious sellers", but according to the writers here on WA, ANYTHING can sell! And, it's something that I rrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaallllllllyyyyyyy need to narrow down! I thought I had narrowed it down quite a bit
1 comment
You've all heard the saying "a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step". Well, I suppose joining WA has been my first step to becoming a sucessful online marketer. Second step, reading through many of the tutorials and advice available in the training center. Third step, BREATHE!!  This journey will definitely be taking me over some mountains, I think! I've got to say, for someone completely new to the IM world prio