Checking In After 1 Week

Last Update: December 22, 2009

I have now been a member of WA for 1 week and it's time for a progress report!  WA is an incredible resourse.  I have learned so much that it is almost unbelievable that only 2 weeks ago I had never even heard of affiliate marketing, squidoo lenses, back links, KEYWORDS (my nemesis), and the like.  Now I find I'm dreaming about them, quite literally. 

Has anyone else found him/herself addicted to this? You can't stop thinking about what you're learning, and how it all connects? You find that you have questions and ideas (mostly questions) rolling around in your head at the most inopportune times? You are seeing "niche possibilities" everywhere you go, and with every new niche idea, you have to be rather strict with yourself to follow through with the one you've already started?

Yeah, confession time. I've switched niche ideas several times since I last blogged about finding a "great one" for me. I ended up choosing a "how-to" ebook off of clickbank on a topic that's rather easy to write.  I've written one article, but I think it belongs in more of an ezine type place than a squidoo lense, so it's a learning process. I haven't yet posted any articles, but I sure plan to! 

Keywords have been rather challenging for me to grasp, in particular the idea of exactly HOW to figure out if you have a found some good ones. And the tutorials didn't answer my TOTAL NEWBIE questions, like (forgive my ignorance), how does Google know what my keywords are? Do I have to highlight them or something? Or just make sure the exact phrase is hidden in the body of my text, titles, etc.?  I must say, the forum here is a GOLD MINE!

I told myself tonight that I shouldn't feel so pressured to get my first lenses and articles out. IM has been around a long time and sure won't disappear without my contributions loading up this very evening. And people will still need my product in 2-3 weeks time, right? 

Ok, that's enough for now. I need to give my brain a rest!  A Merry Christmas to all my "buddies" and to WA on the whole.  

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