A Journey Of A Thousand Miles...

Last Update: December 16, 2009

You've all heard the saying "a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step". Well, I suppose joining WA has been my first step to becoming a sucessful online marketer. Second step, reading through many of the tutorials and advice available in the training center. Third step, BREATHE!!  This journey will definitely be taking me over some mountains, I think!

I've got to say, for someone completely new to the IM world prior to joining WA, spending last night, today, and this evening diving into what this website offers has led me to a complete "INFORMATION OVERLOAD" status. I want to do it right, make it work, set reasonable goals, etc. But oddly, I'm feeling a sense of panic that I can't seem to narrow down my "niche"! From what I can understand, that's the whole idea, right? Choose something and THEN get started writing articles etc.  Anyone out there have any advice? I've looked through the "completed deals" on ebay, but the items I would final potentially interesting to work with don't seem to really be selling!  Is this a problem? Should I be focusing on something of higher $ value?  The questions seem endless... and the deeper I get into looking for the right niche, the more ideas I get, the more I doubt my original ideas... ARGGGH!

I know IM isn't going to be easy... and I look forward to getting something up and running.

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Isabelle Premium
I feel a little bit the same. My problem is, that it is difficult for me to write about things, I don't like. When I have not the passion on it, it seems senseless for me.
On the other hand I am new and this is a kind of trainig. So the first try will not be my last. I don't know about you, but I have to work hard, that my perfectionism don't get into my way. I tend to think: Make it 150% perfect or let it be. But so I never will get started.
When you are new, you will make failures. Wrong decisions. But you can learn from them and the next time you will make it better.
The important thing is to get started at all.
Did you begin with the 8-week action plan? There is a link to dmoz.com, where you can break down bigger niches into smaller ones.
M-skeezy Premium
I'm a newbie and I've found that the first thing we try to do is find a "niche". Write about what you love first. You like music, movies, hairstyling anything.First write a few articles about things you love and don't expect to monetize them.Just get into the habit of writing. They tell you to do all this research at first and then write.Don't!

Just write about things you enjoy and if your articles are approved then you've got a foundation to monetize later.This is coming from a newbie. I still haven't made a lot of money but I got the fundamentals down so in the future when I find that "niche" I can monetize it. Hope this helps :o)