Posts by Marvin 21
For those of you who have been following the "How Did Steve Jobs Die" article 'lesson' taught by Kyle, here is a real-world update on that whole process. I tried it out for myself and I have results to share. Immediately after reading about what Kyle did with the Steve Jobs article, I decided to try it for myself with a few changes. I was writing to promote my website, which is NOT related to Steve Jobs. I made up a connection I didn't write to give information as much as I wrote to m
September 26, 2011
Maybe it's just me, and maybe I'm weird, but I realized something a few minutes ago. As I was pinging my sites at PingFarm I suddenly had this great rushing feeling, and a charge of energy like I'd just done something amazing. What was that about? It was the Free Traffic Buzz and it's very addicting. After the pings were completed, I sat staring at the screen reading "Ping Sent" as if I expected fireworks or a marching band in honor of this momentous event. But, alas, there was no fanf
September 25, 2011
Hi WA Family! I feel great. Yesterday I was feeling depressed about my IM progress so far, my lack of true understanding about Keywords and the fact I have yet to make a single sale. Some kind people (suspect it's WA peeps doing me a favor) have clicked ads on my sites for a few bucks worth, but that's it. Well, dataplextech was kind enough to coach me on a few things to the point I couldn't stop thinking about my IM endeavors. It is nearly 2 am here where I live and I just finished re-writing t
Whatever you call 'em, I want to make 'em. I don't see a way to offer services in the 'Jobs' section (am I blind? probably) so I'll say so here. I really enjoy making these little website diamonds and would love to work with any of you on it. I am highly trained in photoshop so I can make anything I want, and then convert it to the favicon format. This conversion usually takes some tweaking, which is where the challenge comes in. For some samples visit: http://veg
September 15, 2011
 I joined a forum and started to participate. I've now spent about one full work day this week in conversations there. Not good. The one link from that forum to my site versus the articles I could have written just isn't worth the time. Now my blood pressure is elevated (it was a heated discussion) an I've spent my time and energy on that instead of my niche. Be warned, fellow IM's.
 This has nothing to do with what WA is for, but it is so important to anyone, anywhere that I simply have to share it. Monsanto and the FDA. If this means nothing to you, please educate yourself on this subject because it is pivotal to freedom the world over. If it does mean something, then please be sure to follow the link.
August 23, 2011
The past day has been extremely busy, and much more productive than I could have imagined. I have successfully done an complete overhaul of my sites graphics, theme, layout and structure. Props to dataplextech, Kyle, Carson, behealthy and plenty of others for all of their great help. Do have a look at my site, and maybe even read something.
August 17, 2011
I've just created and posted some graphics for my site. I'll post it here, but to really get the feel it is best to visit the website.   I also made a favicon from the 'V' part of the graphic. Comments are always welcome.
1 comment
August 17, 2011
Last night I wrote and submitted my very first article! It was approved this morning. I'm very excited that I made it through that daunting first one. I like to write, but for some reason it was very intimidating. Perhaps because I have such a strong desire to be helpful, accurate and thorough in my chosen niche. You can view my article here. Any tips or suggestions will be welcome and appreciated.
August 16, 2011
I'm back! I had family in town from Thursday till today around noon. That means I had to pause my brand new attack on IM, and boy am I excited to keep moving forward. Thanks to everyone who has welcomed me, and given support and advice already. This community is awesome!