Posts by Moonstone 28
Yep!  You bet it is.  Ever since I got my new research tools the internet's my oyster.  I'm so excited about this business and where I can take it.  The only problem is which oyster to eat first!  Everything's turned on it's head, I now love research, but I'm churning out data like well - Data (from star trek). There are so many exciting subjects to choose from.  I can't work fast enough.
I heard today that google is ditching its meta tag search on sites and no longer counting them.  does anyone know if this is true?
June 17, 2010
I'm always saying to people to stay focused and stick to one thing.  But its so hard to do.  There's new things all the time, new ideas for projects, new types of marketing, new tool etc.  I just don't know where to start first.  I've spent several days learning my new tool.  Want to set up a website with e-commerce, but don't know how to attach affiliates to the products (sigh).  I have new Squid projects. I'm just so revved up at the moment and raring to go.
I heard a story about a man who had a farm a long time ago.  One day he found he had no water.   The river had run dry! Yipes!  What was he to do? He followed the riverbed until he found the problem.  A large rock had fallen and blocked the flow of water.  Unable to move it. He decided to break it.  He got a sledge hammer and hit the rock. Nothing happened! He hit it again. Nothing happened. Sigh! He hit the rock again and again until 500 time he smashed at the ston
There is an 80/20 rule that seems to apply to everything.  80% of people don't like their jobs. 80% healthy to 20% non healthy eating 20% of your customers will give you 80% of your sales etc.  All the books agree there is this invisible rule running through everything. Perhaps others don't have this result.  But all my Squid groups are the same, each batch of 20 the top ones do well then no matter how much work goes into the others they trail to smaller and smaller amounts until
June 14, 2010
I expect you all got this, but Kyle and Carson sent an email about not quitting and that some people who don't do well for over a year and stick it out then go on to make $10,000 per month plus. This inspired me to work harder (and smarter) to get this to work, now I am really enjoying doing IM and making new friends on WA.
June 14, 2010
Thanks to maureen  (see maureenhannan's blog) I now have an amazing tool to help with research, I'm so excited it has transformed the way I work in only one day.  It is well worth the investment and for the first time ever I am enjoying doing the research!  Thank you Maureen for your lovely Squidoo lens that introduced it to me.
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June 14, 2010
Thanks to maureen  (see maureenhannan's blog) I now have an amazing tool to help with research, I'm so excited it has transformed the way I work in only one day.  It is well worth the investment and for the first time ever I am enjoying doing the research!  Thank you Maureen for your lovely Squidoo lens that introduced it to me.
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You would think that by this stage I would know better, but no, in spite of a plan I'm all over the place.  A bit of squid, doing the DAM, managing of martial arts,  helping clients, paying for PPC, updating the dated - Yipes!   I've set up a mind map and its got all sorts on it. The last week has seen several new things alone.  Which do I get first?  Sigh.  those that will help me, none?  Exploring new things is great, but I need to get things done, improve my
I have just found out that even if I was as good as Kyle and Carson (one day you never know!!) that if i wanted to teach this or even something as simple as word I would not be allowed to not even if it were online unless I take a 2 year course PGCE.  I can understand this to a degree as you cant have just anyone teaching any old thing, but really a two year course (one year full time) just to teach the occasional short course, that they cannot possibly know about anyway - sigh more cost! &
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