Posts by Morlandroger 25
Congratulations to Darren Clarke for winning The Open. After so many years (20 I believe) it came as a much deserved result. Some superb golf in foul conditions which gave him the result he deserved. His quote "the oldest, the biggest, best and the the Claret Jug, the one everyone wants to win" (not sure if accurate quote but very close).  Never stop trying. A real classic champion, Tom Watson, proved that. Runner up last year and high in contention this year, at the age of 61 he
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This article written by Eric Schmidt in the Daily Telegraph on 16th May  2011 makes interesting reading.   It gives me hope for the future if that really is their attitude.   Roger  
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April 19, 2011
Logged into my CB account today expecting to see the usual row of zeros. Well what do you know, I have actually made a sale!  Thankyou STF. So far this month I have had one WA sale, One STF sale and one physical product sale. About $60 in total for all three but it is a start and a real boost for me to keep adding content to my sites.   Oh and in addition one of my SA articles is at number 4 in Google, just behind two international newspapers and e-bay. Feel on a roll now. Got to
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April 03, 2011
This is a Sunday type post and very short. Just wanted to shout out to the world that another life changing event just came along.  If anyone would like to tell me that I look too young to be  a grandfather that would be great but do I care? Not one bit. :-) I now have a very beautiful grandson. Roger
March 15, 2011
This arrived in my mailbox today. I do recognise myself a little in some of these but I am thankfully not too much like any of them. Beware bad language alert. Roger  
March 10, 2011
Yep folks it is now exactly 1 year since I signed up for WA. So what has happened in that year? 1) I have met a whole load of people who  make this the best place to learn IM. 2) I have learned a whole load of concepts about IM, I now know what CPA, CPC, MLM (the devil's spawn) Adsense, Adwords, keywords (long and short tailed) and many more too numerous to mention are about. 3) I get the idea of article marketing and have campaign in construction. 4) I have built Wordpress sites and added
"Get your free web software here. Great software to get you ranked first page of Google in just hours. Sign here ====>>>> Click Well I do not how you got here but this fantastic software will revolutionise your business. Only $37 dollars. Wait you do not really want to leave this page do you? $10 discount with only 3 places left click cancel to stay here!" 1) When was free ever $37 2) Exit popups are a pain 3) There were only 3 places left last week Another marketer I have
January 11, 2011
Looked properly at Google analytics which tells me that one blog post on my site had 400+ visitors towards the end of december and the whole site had 639! Not one sale. OK time to rewrite and repost then. Obviously it had something good about it but not the right thing. :-(  Big jump in numbers then tailed off to very few now.  Still it really gives hope that STF may make me some money yet.   Signed up for Ezine 100 article challenge (glutton for punishment) so a target for t
January 05, 2011
Would any one have time to give my site a look over please? No sales at all and not a lot of traffic as far as I can tell but suspect need more backlinks. A lot more articles to write yet. I have been trying to provide as much useful information on the site as I can but am I aiming at the right audience? Ary some of my keywords too ambitious? How does it look in general? As well as the pages on the menu there are another 15 or so not showing up. PM me if you have time and I will send you the li
December 17, 2010
Not really IM related this one. Just got home from hospital after a hernia repair. Sitting quite comfortably now but when I start walking BOY DOES IT SMART! SOO time on my hands sitting around being pampered by nearest and dearest. Time to write a few articles put up more pages/posts and pep up my campaigns a bit. Every cloud.........................