Posts by Old Mizer 27
July 11, 2010
What does that mean? ..."We the People".Those who live in the United States probably recognize the three words but may not be sure what to identify them with.They are the three words that begin the Constitution of the United States. Which our forefathers chose to use as they wrote the Law of the Land for this Country. You may have heard of our forefathers referred to as Colonists in a history class at school. Because they chose to cross the oceans looking for a new land. Building c
July 03, 2010
Celebrate the Freedom that we enjoy on a daily basis and often take for granted. The Freedom that our Forefathers literally fought for so that future generations may enjoy a government structure they put together known as a Republic.Being the 234th Birthday or Anniversary of this Nation. History shows us that most empires last an average of 200 years. So the Constitution that our forefathers spent countless hours structuring and putting together has well out lasted the average of any empire.
June 25, 2010
  Absolutely! If you are are a new member here at WA, you might have asked yourself that question.  As you sit there and take a look around at all that is offered here, it can be a little breath taking.  Kind of like walking into the main library downtown looking for that one book.  As you walk in the front door you are literally awe struck. After catching your breath you start to take a slow walk through the place.  As you move the cursor of your mouse over the tabs a
June 12, 2010
I have been here a little over 7 weeks now and have learned a lot of things during that time.  The most important lesson I learned didn't come from anything WA had on their site here.  It hit me when I was replying to a post in the Forum a couple of weeks ago which had to do with keyword tools and the inconsistency between all of them that are available. I have seen a lot of threads about keywords and how the numbers differ from the many research tools available out there.  I thi
Press Play God Bless the Men and Women in uniform who gave the ultimate sacrifice because of their love for this Country they were a part of.In memory of their call to duty we honor them on this day. As we salute those who served and remind ourselves that their sacrifice shall not be in vein. That we, the People, ...will finish the Battle they never returned from, ...seeking Victory. May God Bless their Soul
I apologize that my blog has not been focused on Internet Marketing. However, I feel it is my duty to share these topics with you to keep you informed about what's taking place behind the curtain. So stay with me on this and see what's taking place now. A Bill that's on the Senate's table known as S 510.Senate Bill S510 Makes it illegal to Grow, Share, Trade or SellHomegrown FoodS 510, the "Food Safety Modernization Act of 2010", may be the mostdangerous bill in the history of the U
We all have one in our life She won Dad with her charms and was always there to hold me in her arms. She always made sure that I was fed and resting comfortably when she put me to bed. The only one who would give me a bath in the place, while I slapped the water that landed on her face. No one could ask for a better girl because there's no one else like her in all the world. We'll never be far apart because this woman will always be in my heart. You've always been number one on my list.