A Newbies Step by Step...Short and Sweat

Last Update: June 16, 2010
  2. Started with Broad Keyword Search. 
  3. Narrow down to focused niche.  Example might be Pets....Betta Fish Care
  4. Search for small monthly searches - around 1 K to 3 K a month
  5. Check competition -  find low competition
  6. On Yahoo they say up to 100 K is ok ..searches per month
  7. Create a keyword list - Get a long tail url....3 or more words in keyword.  Like....piano lessons for kids...small niche.
  8. Go to Googles Wonderwheel and put in your keyword and click down three tiers to find slim niche.
  9. You will be able to find great keywords there
  10. Look at TREND
  11. Look at the top ten most popular items at Amazon and Clickkbank and other affiliate sites
  12. Look at level of competition.....don't want a lot of competition
  13. Look for Recurring Commission...read all about this at Click Bank
  14. Check backlinks
  15. Find a Product.....think about customers that want an immediate solution to a problem....same people who are ready to buy right now and have the money.
  16. Or Find a product(s) that are pricey.  Some people want fancy kitchen products or pool heaters or expensive hub caps ..whatever...and these pay a higher commission.
  17. Find Product....then go Google and find the top ten that is returned by your google search
  18. Look at these sites.....from top down....
  19. See if they have their exact keyword that you search with in their url
  20. If not...that is good.
  21. Click on their url and go take a look.  If it is at the top you want to determine if they have done their SEO properly and complete.
  22. Many do not do good SEO.....you can beat them by doing your SEO exceptionally well.
  23. Click onto every link that leads to the product or service for sale
  24. Read it and see if it has good content.
  25. Borrow ideas from that content. If they are # 1 on Googles returned top ten....great.....determine if you can beat them
  26. Check their # backlinks
  27. See if a good url is available with exact keywords you are targeting
  28. Avoid all branded urls...ie  Holiday Inn reservations.....skip them
  29. Read Squeeze pages
  30. Read offer page
  31. Find ideas here
  32. Create your keyword list....get good narrow niche keywords with low monthly searches, low competition and a url that is available for you.
  33. Start to think about writing articles to promote  your product.
  34. Go to ezine and find articles on the same subject and borrow ideas.
  35. Go to Yahoo Answers and you will be able to answer questions and put in a link back to you......be sure to do this right and go to another blog post for steps that I learned about a few days ago from a video.
  36. In your title of the article....put in the exact keywords you are using...3-5 words
  37. Purpose of article is to entice reader to finish reading  you article.
  38. Outline benefits they will receive by finishing reading your article
  39. Article summary 2-5 sentences long
  40. Give an emotional benefit
  41. Target your reader
  42. Include 3 - 5 keywords...not more.
Article Don'ts
  1. Do not repeat article title
  2. Do not put in article authors name
  3. Do not pitch yourself or your business
  4. Do not put in your email or url
  5. No self promotion
  6. Not more than 2 paragraphs or 7 sentences.
  7. Pre-sell not selling here

  1. Write just as if you were writing this article for you mom or dad
  2. keep it simple and down to earth
  3. Be helpful
  4. Do not give professional sounding info unless you are a doctor or lawyer etc. 
  5. Understand you are Pre-Selling....let the product page do the selling.
  6. Your job is to market and transport the prospect .... the product offer does the selling.
  7. Ezines does not allow links within the article....so you use the Resource box at the bottom and that is provided for each article when submitting.
  8. Put in the complete url.....Http/.....the whole thing
  9. 1-3 sentences that encapsulate the essence of what make you and your offer unique....this is unique selling proposition...do this well. 
  10. Put in Call to Action.....a must do.
  11. Example...click here if you are looking to make money online with Clickbank....again my name is Phil and I want to help you succeed.
  12. Something like that.


  13. Ezine has a person that reviews the article. So do it well
  14. Article must have substance
  15. So have suggestions, ideas, insight and make the reader want to have more information.
  16. Say something and the Why
  17. Relate yourself to the subject -  How it effected your life...offer tips and why the tips may have helped you or someone.
  18. People want "MEAT"...that they can trust you.  You as the expert must give the MEAT or they are gone.
  19. Do extensive research and know what they want...need...fear...doubt.
  20. Good content is essential....spend time on making great content.
  21. Remember, you have tons of other articles to use for research.
  22. A great sources is a book on the subject.....Go to the library and get a good comphrehensive book on a subject and you can then make many articles in no time with top information.
  23. Watch TV infomercials for the ones that are on constantly and you will be able to use their extensive marketing and research budget all for free.
  24. They would not be there constantly week after week if it did not provide return on investment for them
  25. The newspaper and magazines are loaded with ads that are selling.
  26. You can find a few good new products and quick get a url with the exact product name in the url.  That can be your very narrow niche.

Ezine again

  1. Go to ezine.com site and read carefully their procedures and the do's and don'ts too.
  2. Follow their guidelines to a tee.

Boils down to this

  1. Research Product
  2. Get 5 - 10 Keywords....drill down to a narrow niche
  3. Do extensive quality research
  4. Review other Squeeze pages....(where you get the opt in email )
  5. Look at any free offers included
  6. Review others landing Page
  7. Write 2 - 5 articles a day and submit....with link to your products....done right
  8. submit articles to more than ezine.com
  9. build a list
  10. Make sites with 10-20 products ..then move on to your next site.
  11. Consider using Squidoo, then blogger or Wordpress, blogspot and WEEBLY....( I like that one )  these are all free to use too
  12. Micro Niche Finder is a great keyword tool.
  13. Skip Drop Ship for now
  14. Betta Fish Center.com is a good site to look over for great ideas....very well done
  15. MattCarterblog is full of cool info...free too

Remember I am two weeks new at this point here at WA.

What I have been doing is making little posts to my blog with ideas and solutions I discover  each day.  I am retired now so I have time.

I have to admit that although I have made a little money so far....nothing much.

I probably got a few thousand dollars so far making some web sites for hotel owners and home owners that has content to help sell the hotel or home.

One is www.freedomresort.com  

Anyone can make these sites in one day and make about $500.00 fast.

I'll make a little post on the steps I used next.

 Please leave a comment so I know if this is helpful...if it needs work ... like changes or if you have a different slant on things....




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Bigman Premium
I don't use Broad Keyword Search, you would be better off using Phrase in (quotes).
Search for keywords that have 5000 or less.
This is used when really drilling down in your chosen Niche.