PPC Marketing the Smart Way

Last Update: July 10, 2010

Right now I am working on a little business plan for myself to follow...a newbie plan so that I stop wasting time and get it going...one day at a time.  This is all directly from a great source of info....Clickbank. 

I decided that if I am going to be using Clickbank, then I should read all they have to help us out. This was a good article I thought and you might like it too....hope it helps somebody out there.

PPC Marketing the Smart Way

When using PPC marketing, there are several factors to take into account to guarantee that your ads are displayed properly so that your money is spent on the clicks that have potential for converting into affiliate sales. These are some tips will help you get started with PPC marketing for your affiliate products the smart way.

1. Properly group your keywords

Creating groups of keywords based on their theme will assist the search engine in displaying ads that are relevant to those particular keywords.  Avoiding placing all of your keywords in one large group makes it easier to test the strength of your different campaign ads.

2. Link to a specific web page on your site

Every click counts. If you are displaying a specific ad for a particular keyword then you want to ensure that the ad directs the visitor to the appropriate page. In general, this would mean a specific landing page and not the homepage of your website.

3. Focus on a keyword’s overall conversion rate

It is common for marketers to confuse a keyword’s high click through rate (CTR) with its actual overall ability to convert. The CTR is only referring to those who clicked on the ad and reached your page. It does not count the amount of people who then went to the merchant’s sales page and actually purchased the product.

4. Split up campaigns based on region

It is ideal to display your ads based on the geographic region of the visitor. If you organize your keyword ad groups properly, you can customize your ads to attract more people. This is a key method to personalize your ads, as you can write them in a language native or familiar to people.

I hope these tips have been helpful for you in getting started in your affiliate marketing business. The key point that I want you to remember is that PPC can be done very effectively on a shoestring budget, when you have the right offer, when you have the right landing page and when you are taking advantage of PPC marketing.

About the Author

You can read about Charles Kirkland and his adventures and misadventures in affiliate marketing at his blog. He also provides free affiliate training and videos for marketers at any level there as well.


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Sherion Premium
Thanks for the info. I did check out Charles's blog. very interesting.