Unofficial Newbie Club - Just started

Last Update: August 09, 2010

Hi......A few of us Newbies got together and email back and forth...just this past few weeks.

We discovered that being new is not so bad.

It allows us to spend the time and energy to learn this and not feel guilty or 'down' as we compared notes and found that although we would like to have this all in our head, sorted out and clicking along, we need to work at it.

One gal plays guitar and said the only difficult part of guitar playing was the first few weeks getting the basics.  It is true for me too as I am taking keyboard lessons....same thing.  

So it takes time.

Suggestion : When you finish reading this post, scroll down to the others..maybe to the first one and work your way forward and see the things I discovered from day one.  I kept some notes and posted them here.

It might help you some.  I am retired so I have had time to do this.

So we all discovered that the learning curve is there.  Just like riding a bike...the first few days were difficult but that all cleared up and it was no hands a few months later.

But check this out....we all decided that if we exchange little ideas and a basic short one page business plan it would help.

We got the basics for the little mini business plan from WA studies.  

You are invited to get involved in exchanging ideas with us.  We will probably start a section in the forum, but for now I'll do it from right here.

If you are  just starting, you gotta go find Pot Pie Girl l here at WA.  She is great at helping folks and I know that to be a true fact as I read everything she has to say and learned allot.  She puts up a lot of free information.

You will not have to go out on the net and buy a bunch of junk.  Avoid all future spending till you get the WA lessons done.  All the tools are here that you need.

So if you have time .... read a few of the posts here that I put up for newbies and remember...I am a newbie too.  But we are making up a little starter business plan to use to get each little project going in a organized manner and eliminate a miscellaneous way of doing things.

You can borrow our little business will be ready in a few days....and you can comment and modify to improve it too.

Basically we will cover the things you will need to pull together to get a little site up and going...or a little lens...same thing really.

Then a little step by step plan we used for articles.

Then a little about how to find cool little best selling products and which are the best digital products to promote and a suggestion on using clickbank residual products that pay every month.

That kind of thing.  Then we have one other little thing and that is to go over how to do Facebook ads and promos.  

 Here are 10 Tips direct from Facebook for making ads

Top 10 Ad Creative Tips
10 Use multiple ad types. Give customers the opportunity to engage with your business both on Facebook and on your website. Create some ads promoting your Facebook Page to grow your fan base and drive traffic from other ads to your external website.
9 Be direct. Facebook users engage with the site differently than on other online sites. Speak to your customers using direct and concise language. Don’t use marketing jargon if you don’t have to, and be authentic. Avoid superlatives or exaggerated claims.
8 Keep your ads fresh. If your audience sees the same ad over and over again, they will be less inclined to interact with your ad. Revise your ad creative every few days by swapping old images for new ones or changing your ad title. Incentivize the users to click.
7 Use promotion codes. Offer exclusive discounts or offers to Facebook users through promotion codes that can be redeemed upon checkout on your site or used in-store. Reference Facebook in the code to make the offer more exclusive (for example, FB30). Set an expiration date so users know for how long the offer is valid, meanwhile creating a sense of urgency.
6 Include a call to action. Use a clear call to action to give users a reason to click on your ad. Encourage them to click, buy or try whatever you are offering.
5 Choose images wisely. Use a colorful image that stands out against Facebook’s blue and white pages. Try to depict people in your image to portray real life utility, as opposed to a logo. Tailor the image to the demographic that you are targeting.
4 Use dynamic keywords. Include words in your ad copy that you also have included in your keyword targeting. This creates a more relevant and consistent experience for the viewer.
3 Split variable test. Your ad contains three components: copy, image, and targeting. Mix and match different combinations to see which result in the highest performance. For example, create 3 ads with the same copy and targeting, but use a different image in each ad to see which image yields the best performance. You can do a similar test for any other variable.
2 Think outside the box. Keywords on Facebook differ from keywords on other online ad platforms. Keywords are real interests and activities your customers like to do. Put yourself in your audience’s shoes and find different ways to reach them. Don’t always go for the obvious keywords.
1 Invest in success. Focus on your top performing ads by pausing weaker ads. Gather insights from advertising performance reports, demographic profile reports and your conversion data to maximize ad performance.

I have all the notes and videos to point you to, but maybe we can get an old timer here at WA to give us a total overview. 

I have a friend that does Facebook now and is doing super well and it is pretty easy to learn.  You will not believe what we have discovered !  I have an appointment tonight with three local business was so easy to get the appointments.....more on that tomorrow.

Try to come back often and be sure to hit my Buddy button and I will hit yours too.

There is no signing up to be a member of our little informal Newbie Club as we just started it last is 7/152010.

From one Newbie to another.....Start Now - Never Quit ! 

Thank you for visiting here today !  Hope this will help you.


Quick note....I had my appointment and did was easy too.

I ran into to guys that are very smart and talented and we decided to start a local group and have two or three meetings a week and go over all the steps and lessons and the little easy three step methods that WA has suggested.  We will learn as we teach each other and help each other along.  More on our progress.  We are putting together the little business plan to be sure we stay on track with two or three super-simple methods that WA has taught us. Stay in touch and this may be helpful some how to you.  Lets all be WA Buddies and stick with it.  Phil   phbreez





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marbri Premium
i.m game. count me in
wildflower40 Premium
Hey I want to be a part of the club!
Fallulah Premium
Oops !
Fallulah Premium
I think this is a really REALLY cool idea! Good Luck :)
Fallulah Premium
I think this is a really REALLY cool idea! Good Luck :)