What business Did you Work In ? Idea to help

Last Update: September 27, 2010

What Business or type work did you do in your life ?


Today I read the Blog of the Day and this person asked for ideas on getting it going.

It spurred me to remember that when I was a Commercial Lender rep that I found a way to get prospects to call me as finding them was hard work.  I told the big boss it was boring huntin prospects and that I would find a way to have them contact me each day instead.  He just smiled and said Lotsaluck.

It dawned on me one day and it was then simple.  I ran a $20 ad ( for the whole year) on a web site for Mobile Homes for Sale and got both buyers and sellers calling me and emailing me for information on how to get financing once they were ready.  I fast became the go-to-guy for these type loans.

So it came to mind that we newbies have all worked at jobs in our life and we can help each other find that niche that is untouched and wide open.

Think about it.....we newbies can be super helpful to each other in that we all had these little discoveries in our lifes that could help others.

I know that I could go to Mobile Homes Parks for sale and find a wide open niche that really-really needs one of us to get involved and do a good job.  You will get flooded with prospects.

Why....cause funding is difficult right now.  BUT I know right here in this small home town where I am visiting this week is a bank that will lend and has funds available.  Also, I read yesterday that the SBA will have an expanded funding for small businesses and this will help you get a loan going.

Not only can you make a site to help find buyers and sellers, but you can get a 1-2% fee from a lender when you find a real deal and there is good credit history and good attributes.  If you get say 1% or even 1/2% of a $4 million deal it adds up fast....just a few a year is all you need....and it is do-able.  

Let say you were in a business and not there any more.  You probably have a great deal of knowledge for that niche.  Just post it up in the Comments down below and we can all help each other by giving ideas and maybe some folks will even say...yup been there...did it.....get some good research going and you guys can get together and move forward in a niche you know and understand.  Then it is fun.

I am doing that with two other people in the hotel business. We all have some computer skills or I would not take them into our group.

One of us sets up the web sites and lens while the others do the editing/grammer and article writing while the other does the submissions and follow up. 

Then when we get three sites all done well...each gets to take ownership of one good site of the three.  That way they are all done well and a work in progress...and it beats struggling with areas of the process I don't like to do. 

It is a win win and we all are good at the niche and have lots of experience.

I found two other niches that are almost untouched that I know something about and one other I will mention here to help someone.

I found that there all these small home town/local shops that have only one or two sites under the google search and they are lousy...easy to beat. 

I find that in many areas bike shops are a good target niche and tons of products both digital and physical and most of these small town sites are having very poor SEO and the shop owner sites are almost ignored leaving you one super-good opportunity.  Can you imagine...they build a site and leave it go dormant....in many instances.  Just go find them locally.

You will have no competition either....easy as falling off a slippery log.

The other I liked was music stores...local only.  Just take an hour and do some market research in towns near you and see what I found.  I actually ride my bike around town and find shops that would fit my criteria here and then check out their SEO and run a small report and go talk to them.  No Harvard business school type approach..... just me shottin the breeze with them.

I found that on one music store search for a small town had one site show up on the #1 position and then the next site ( #2) was for a totally unrelated subject which was a magic store and then a hospital.  I thought....wow.....here is one great niche, but I am swamped with the three others I found and am focusing upon.  Can't do everythingI will just stick to easy stuff for now.  I like easy to do best.

If you had a retail store or worked in an industry that you know all about, try leaving a Comment below and ask for other newbies for their ideas.  We can come up with some easy to do stuff that will get us all excited and going strong.  

For me it was a interesting day doing the research.  I found two niches that are so totally wide open that I will spend the next year on them alone in addition to one or two current efforts. 

I will use the information I am getting here at WA and stick to their step by step for sure as it is beginning to work for me.....started here May 30th.....spent many hours on the lessons and videos and figuring out Wordpress and Rubix, but I am starting to see how it comes to me......it will happen to you to....just like my piano practice is starting to fall in place too.  Together that is very cool for me to experience each day now.

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jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Pierre, I was in the textile industry. Everything is outsourced now. There is much that can be done to fill the gap, the void, and feed the hungry crowd that industry is no longer feeding. I like the creative way you think.
PB Premium
Hey great post and thanks for the information. If i can think of something in my current job I'll post it back here.
Labman_1 Premium
Sounds like a good idea you have there Pierre. I worked in two business areas. I had 4 jobs that made automated machinery for various auto manufacturing processes. My last job was for a manufacturer and printer of plastic bags.