Full Value with WA - Don't Miss This if you are New

Last Update: July 30, 2010

  Full Value from WAU - Click here for cooool Info you definitely can use

 Don't Miss this Info...just in from Marcus - Excellent

Read it a few times if you are new like me....get you going in one day

    Also ... check this out to ....all from WA....makes it all worth it.

WAU - Strip that Fat & Other cool stuff


Please become a Buddy here today...thanks....Phil


Welcome to our Unofficial Newbie Club 

TOTALLY FREE - Newbies exchanging Ideas to succeed

Our Motto - Start Now - Never Quit

Scroll all the way down if you have time


First Draft - Please comment and modify if you think it needs improvement...Many thanks...use the comment box below...based on lesson and other notes gather recently...I'll have this better organize soon, but this helps me to remember all the many details.

Please add your suggestion/concerns/etc. in the Comments below - thanks

NOTE:  I am adding links for each subject as I find them...soon will be completed

1.  Pick a Product and Niche/Market - Clickbank or CJ.com top sellers ...pick a product that people are buying now....will be good to start with.....or get a recurring product.  Or a product with videos.  I just read that Clickbank suggests recurring & videos is real good.

New Newbie Jump Start - Extensive good information....take the time.


Fast Action Quick Start - You CAN Do This! - Pot Pie Girl - Great Stuff !


2.  Find Keywords - Get a long list...use long tail keywords. Narrow niche Here is the link to the in depth keyword info provided by Wa



3.  Write articles - Put link to Pitch Page

Getting Started with Article Writing


4.  Make Lens - Title, text, pictures, videos, link to Pitch Page

Here is Pot Pie Girls squidoo guide link - it is a FREE Download Report

Pot Pie Girl FREE Squidoo Report

( I'll be adding the links in a few days when I find the best ones - Since they are Free.....go get them...they are jammed with excellent stuff )

5.  Submit articles to ezine and wait to get approved.
6.  Then re-post to a Blogger blog or Wordpress or a site builder
7.  Write tons of articles on EVERY Long tail Keyword on your list
8.  Submit to the other article directories
9.  Change around your len pictures....change some of the text and change the videos to keep them updated.
10. Do this for a month - Keep it all very, very RELEVANT - Use Press Releases too....get syndicated....free and easy to do.  Do Yahoo answers and go and learn all about that...it seems easy to do.  Forums too.11. Then get two more products and start over again.
12. Repeat and get real good at this little plan
13. Then add url from godaddy.com or other source.
14. Get aweber and use an opt in form to get email address to use
15. Keep lens and blogger blog text brief and simple...easy to read...people scan and skim rather than read.
16. Make sure to use the resource section  as effectively as possible....analysis the expert authors at ezine and figure out what they are doing to become experts.
17. Remember that product pitch page has most of the info you will need for articles and lens content.  Many even have articles and videos all ready for you to use.
18. Assemble the pictures, videos and product link code before you start your articles and lens...to make it easier for you.
19. Skip comments on the lens and blogger.
20. Learn about the widgets offered.
21. Take the time to learn all the basic and go to ezine, clickbank, eweber and CJ.com and read all their tutorials and watch their videos too.  And

Notes & Information I got today from a big long video that was a pitch to buy

This guy wanted $4997.00 but gave this intro info.
Almost all this info is here at WA lesson....amazing

Basic SEO  Promote to get Freee Traffic   Media buy only for best producing 3 sites    Sell off low producing sites for $200.00 - $ 500.00

60 Day project…to be repeated (  Might be good for WA blog/funnel )

  1. Make blog or site around One Keyword…or 2-3…. Do 2 - 3 mini sites a day....try to get just $50 - $100 a day off each site.....ex. product pays $50...need two sales.  +-
  2. Each page with a specific KW topic or product….Ex. Dogs…..collars
  3. 3-5 quality posts per site with 6 – 10 articles
  4. Get product…..from clickbank, offertrappers or others networks
  5. Stick with big markets….weight loss or make money….things people are buying now.  Any market you like is fine.
  6. Gravity at 50 or higher
  7. Search the name of product in quotes   ex.   “ fat loss”
  8. Seek results less than 50 k ….some people will say 30 K
  9. Take page rank average of the top ten sites returned…..should be 3 or less.  If not move to another product or niche as this may be to high competition.  Always pick very weak competition.  Note : big catalog directories may have their home page ranked well, but not their interior pages…so if they show up on the first page returned and in the top five…it is ok…can beat them.  This was in a video I watched yesterday…..I have seen that a few times now.
  10. Use Keyword tool…Samurai or Micro Niche Finder….very good.
  11. Only .com   .net    . org…. skip all other and don’t use hyphens
  12. Try to buy a url with the keyword as the first word in the domain name.
  13. Additional plug ins suggested  Keith Baxter Stealth traffic system…..get paid version….affiliateradio.com  
  14. Add Business Pages…..contact us….Privacy Policy and About….don’t copy pages from other sites…..make your own but you can use other successful sites and make your text similar…don’t copy this or they will be mad.
  15. For Word Press use paid themes…..Thesis and/or Headway….skip graphic heavy themes
  16. 3-5 articles for each site with 250 – 400 words…..keep it very simple
  17. Density at 2-3 % for main keywords
  18. Publish articles every other day
  19. Keith Baxter system for backlinks…use this
  20. Once all articles are submitted and approved…wait 3 weeks after the last post before monetizing.  Be patient….wait it out to avoid problems…sandbox.
  21. Offer trappers
  22. Once Keith Baxter system has worked for 30 days…..use the offer trapper
  23. Then start promoting with social marker.com    ping, fm, RSS
  24. Then Traffic Geyser 2.0…..best tool
  25. create the slide show video using the same articles you published to your blog/site
  26. Submit each video 4 times…..in different format….with different music and time length. Be sure to use music with royalty free.  Keep these vids simple
  27. Learn this then outsource….
  28. Repeat every few weeks to keep fresh
  29. Each site should only take 2-3 hours plus the promotion efforts
  30. Outsource to Philippines
  31. Jon Jonas site has details….replacement……com
  32. Jing.com
  33. Take top three sites and do media buy for better traffic and use banner ads..cheaper
  34. Zedo.com  good one
  35. Pulse360.com
  36. Traffiq.com
  37. Google content network
  38. adsonar.com
  39. I O    insertion order…..
  40. Even delivery…..
  41. Frequency cap……=1   1 time in 24 hours.
  42. 24 Hour out clause in media effort
  43. Three important things……Content    Links    Activity…(new in June 2010 )
  44. need to get 10 – 30 quality inbound links from authority site is best
  45. Linking 300 -400 links
  46. Human activity on your site is best now….avoid total automation tools.
  47. Use Free Social Media
  48. Content syndication
  49. Market selection……must have good commercial intent and do competitive analysis
  50. Adshuffle.com
  51. openx.org
  52. Zedo.com
  53. bannerdesignerpro.com
  54. banner snack.com
  55. best banner sizes is 350 -250    300 x 300    120X 60    160 X 60    300 X
  56. Keyword Rockstar is good to use
  57. Product…..specific product with model #
  58. Get product that people are ready to buy….look at googles  Where to buy
  59. Keep it all simple
  60. Use call to action…..on Pre Sell….as suggestion…leave selling to
  61. Keep unique content….keyword density….meta tags on every page
  62. Get backlinks
  63. Get exact match domain name…no exceptions or skip it
  64. Skip hypens always
  65. No.org was suggested..stick with .com and .net only
  66. Skip comments too….
  67. Use googles OCI    Online commercial Intent….
  68. So it is Low competition with good commerciality and about 50 – 100 searches per day.
  69. Find a lens or site you really like and use as a guide.  Look at the Squidoo top 100 lens and then at their daily Top lens.
  70. Work on back links each day
  71. Use articles, press release, forums, discussions, facebook and other social media sites.

Tags -  Look at tags used by similar sites and use them too

Tags -  Look at tags used by similar sites and use them too



Information I just found here in WA that Google now requires

 Every aspect of marketing not only requires a website these days, it requires a well built website...one that   :  Here is the Free download if you like : ==> Get Super Affiliates Free Content Cash Cow Now

(1) Is Relevant to the Keywords
(2) Is Unique from other sites and other pages on your site'
(3) Is a multi-page, relevant themed site
(4) One that follows all of the other SEO and PPC techniques

 These are four very important things to remember and use each time you build a Wordpress or web site.

*  Please remember that I am a 6 week NEWBIE right now, so it is what I have pulled together with my notes of the WA lessons and videos and articles I have found.  Please hit the COMMENT below and add your little business plan with as much detail as possible to be sure we new folks are on track.

         Dave Olsen - Wordpress Expert

What Kind Of Websites Are Making Money Today?


I just got a good looking offer about learning Facebook....it was $365.00 a year...Wow ....&  yesterday I got a huge course for just $7.00....so be careful.  Remember...most all the info you need is right here at WAU it seems.  I will add the link so you can get it too

         Dave Olsen - Wordpress Expert

What Kind Of Websites Are Making Money Today?



Free Download so you can add a url to Squidoo 

Video on how to add a url to a Squidoo lens 

Free download of FCK Editor if you do Squidoo lens

You definitely will need this....do it now if you have time



PS....I just ran across this information in the WA forums...read it all if you have time. It is called Blue Print for Success....Step by Step too.

 QUESTIONS  :  If you are new and have questions, post in a COMMENT here and hopefully some one will answer.  Then I'll make a new post and put them up so it is not hidden away down here....hope this helps and thanks in advance to all that help us out today.

Tip #1  Traffic Tip about Googles Caffeine 

I just read this very long pdf about traffic and ranking on Google first page.  It says they recently made some policy changes :  They stressed this....

Content + Links + Activity = Perpetual Traffic and Position on page 1 and traffic


   Three Things Google wants now to rank on first page

1.  Quality Content

2.  Quality Inbound Links

3.  Measurable Activity - Keep things fresh in short is what this means...add text or change text, add pictures or change pictures, same with videos.  

 People will be finding your site organically. 

The statistics on ADSENSE ADS are that a very small percentage of results come from these ads and that mostly you need to be in the number one spot on page one.....even position two and three are not so hot.  So you have to find narrow little niches that you can get to the number one position on Googles returned page....and that is FREE.

 From what I have read, it seems that you just have to dig for those little niches with very weak competition using long tail keywords....example is yellow glowing tennis balls....more than one word that would be a tiny little niche that you can dominate....and ofcourse there should be commericiality...meaning a product that will sell and a good url available.

To start they say to use .com or .org...skip the rest...maybe .net....and put your keyword as your first word in the url if you can.  If you use some good keyword tools, they will direct you to the best url's to buy.  That is true for Micro Niche Finder and Noble Samurai.  I did get them and they are excellent and well worth the money.  WA has a good free keyword tool to use to get started.

The PDF went on to say that the Adsense ads were pulling a very low percentage of traffic as compared to the free traffic from doing the above and getting onto the first page in a top position.  And, getting to the first page takes about 90 days....some times faster. So this takes time.

Stay far away from automated robotically tools. Semi-automatic may be ok.

Skip robots and automated tools for sure.

 There is more on this subject that is coming.  I'll post it up and give you the exact source.....this is from this link I used to download the report 

http://perpetualtrafficformula.s3.amazonaws.com/perpetual-traffic-report/The Perpetual Traffic Report.pdf 

These guys are trying to see you stuff.....hold onto your wallet, but you|
might download this report and look it over if you like


Do you know that right here on WA is this cool info from Clickbank

Top 20 Hot Items....go to this link and click on Hot 20 and look around

Googles Cool Statistics for Top 20 Items 


  Would you Rather Get it FREE or Pay $67 ?

I just posted up the above info from a FREE pdf that I found out there. 

Then I looked at another Pitch Page about the very same subject and they want $67.00 for the pdf....almost the same exact info.  Goes to show that it is best to hide your credit card away when you are working.  Keep your cash.



  Really Cool Facebook Info is Next

But I have to admit that I get these $7.00 offers that I buy from this one guy and they are always incredible...but he too has some bigger offer coming along once he gets a person liking and trusting him I'm sure.

The info I just bought is all about FACEBOOKS new methods we can use. 
I do know some people personally that are using FACEBOOK pages and ads for local customers and doing incredibly well.  So I did go for the $7 bucks.  More on that tomorrow or when I get to it. ( I am back and watched all these videos today.....wow....very good stuff....easy to understand and I bet easy to do.  I will work on it and let you know in a few days.

( I am posting this stuff here to keep track of it for myself, but in hopes it helps others.  Remember that there is a NOTES section on this site.  Look down on the left bottom....and there is Bookmark this Page...great to use and Feedback to.)



Here is How a WA does his Keyword Research

I copied it for you and this is a post that is in the WA forum, but it is to long to put in here...so read this and then if you like it, hit the link to his full story and advice.....worth your time..for sure  This is what I will do now...makes sense to me.

How do I do keyword research?   -  Very good....you might like it too.

1. I go to Google keyword tool and search for a term and get the related synonyms and search volume estimates.

2. Sort the terms with the most traffic to the least.

3. Download the keyword list.

4. Take the terms with the highest traffic numbers, copy those terms into godaddy bulk domain register tool.

5. Get a list of available .com domains

6. Select one or two that are most applicable

7. Go to google and type in those terms

8. See what comes up at the top

9. Look then at their on page SEO (is it in their title, domain, tags etc...)

10. Go over to http://www.seologs.com/keyword-difficulty.html and type in the term there, get a result - look for something under 36

11. Then go to traffic travis and run similar searches, it will tell me how many backlinks and general SEO factors regarding the competition.

12. If you feel that you can outrank them - with better on page SEO (which is easy) and out backlink them (which is easy but takes more time) then register the domain and install a wordpress site.

13. Outsource some articles

14. Post the articles

15. Then build some backlinks.

16. Submit to some rss sites

17. Wait and see how you rank.

Here is notes of a 45 minute Video I just watched....Four  things stressed. They were selling a big expensive course, but his is the point of it all. 

1.   It is all about Content and correct Keywords

2.  Shorter...easier to read Text

3.  Links...get some quality links coming in and some traffic

4. Update often...change text, pictures, videos and rotate products too.  Google wants human activity now.  Many sites are built and parked hoping for a little action each.....lots of these add up over time...add human touch and updates if you have many up already.


Up until the point 13, the whole process takes me about 15 minutes. At that point, I have a website up he says......



Here are the things to do on every site you make

1. The keyword in the title
2. The Keyword In the h1 tags.
3. The keyword optimized in the text.
4. The keyword used appropriately in the alt text
5. The Keyword in the description
6. DMOZ listings
7. And each with 500+ backlinks... some from authority sites that have a lot of "link juice"
8. Oh.. and the keyword in the domain.

What is described above has resulted in getting top rank or near top rank for 90% of the sites created










    WAU  -  Success Stories - Worth your time !



“Do I write keyword-rich article titles ?”

More about Ezine.....

Direct From Them Via Email to me...Excellent

Here is the next edition of the EzineArticles.com Article Writing and Marketing: Article Title Training Series.

Ask yourself: “Do I write keyword-rich article titles?”

Example 1: "Car Audio"

 * This article title is too short to get any hooks
 and the reader has to guess what your angle to the
 topic will be about.

Example 2: "Car Audio and Electronics"

 * This is better, yet it does not explain why
 someone should read the article.

Example 3: "Car Audio and Video That Will Make Your Friends Envy You?"

 * Now we have picked up a 2nd keyword, “video”
 and a reason why to read the article.

Example 4: "Car Audio Components, Subwoofers and Tweeters-7 Tips to Amp Up Your Stereo"

 * Here you see multiple high value keywords,
 gave a reason to read the article and even
 used a high value keyword as a verb, “Amp.”

Tip: Use  a keyword tool such as GoodKeywords, Google
    Suggest, or Wordtracker to help identify keywords for
    your article titles.

Also, ask yourself this question: “Do the first 3 words of my article title introduce the topic of the article?”

1. Start your article title with your article subject.

2. Avoid starting with ‘junk words’ or conjunctions, such
  as “a” or “the.”

3. It is acceptable to start your article title with a verb
  and then roll directly into a dense keyword relating to
  the subject of your article.

4. Consider using two article topic hooks in your article

  Example: "Yoga Moves - 7 Tips To Flatten Your Abs With Hatha Yoga Techniques"

  Topic hook #1 is “Yoga” or “Yoga Moves”
  Topic hook #2 is “Flatten Your Abs” or “Hatha Yoga”

Can you imagine the possibilities of using two very narrow topical hooks to help your reader know what the benefit will be if they invest the time to read your article?

The next edition of the EzineArticles.com Article Writing and Marketing: Article Title Training Series offers a list of common mistakes to avoid when crafting your Article Title.

Ready to submit your next set of quality original articles?
 --> http://EzineArticles.com/

To Your Article Writing & Marketing Success!
- The http://EzineArticles.com/ Team

p.s. Join the EzineArticles.com Newsletter to
receive additional tips, strategies and
announcements for Article Writers and Marketers:
http://EzineArticles.com/ subscribe/


Try this article template when you discover
an activity or technique that sparks motivation
in you!

Even the best performers fall into slumps. When an activity slips down
the priority list, it might feel like there's nowhere to turn for help. That's
where motivational triggers come in handy. Motivational triggers inspire a
mentality of pushing past the slump and succeeding.

There are many motivational triggers that you use every day and might not
even think about.

For example:

  • Listening to a particular song or genre of music
  • Looking at a picture that inspires you
  • Going to a specific room in your house to think
  • Finding a scenic area in your town or city to get away from
    man-made distractions
  • Going for a walk outside
  • Any other activity that helps you clear your head of negative energy
    and remain motivated

If you use these triggers to stay motivated, the readers in your niche are
going to want to hear your secrets to staying motivated. Here is an article
template that will help you share your own techniques for succeeding when
you need motivation in everyday life.

How to Structure Your Motivational Triggers Article:

  • Title: Announce the motivational technique - Introduce the
    motivational technique that can be used to overcome a common
    obstacle or problem. The problem could be something people face
    every day. Titles like: "Motivational Running Songs - How to Choose
    Upbeat Songs When You Can't Find a Pace" or "Keeping a Daily
    Planner - 5 Reasons Why it Will Help You Get Things Done" will
    draw the reader in because of the commonality of the problems.
  • Introduction: Explain the Obstacle that Requires Motivation - Lay
    out a story explaining the obstacle. Connect to the reader by painting
    a clear picture of the problem. The point of this section is to get your
    reader interested in what type of motivational trigger solves the
  • Body: Explain How to Stay Motivated - This is where you share
    your piece of wisdom. It might be a song, a place, a frame of mind
    or any number of other things. The key is that it helps you stay
    motivated. It might be a step-by-step process or a set of different
  • Conclusion: Return to the Obstacle - Set the worries of the reader
    to rest by explaining why the motivational trigger helps and how to
    ensure it provides the needed boost every time the problem arises.

Whenever you're stuck in a rut and find yourself using a personal
motivational trigger to flip the "action switch" in your brain, make a note
of it. Then, as soon as possible, sit down and write an article describing
the motivational trigger. With this strategy, you can help others by sharing
what works for you.

Leave a comment below and share your favorite motivational trigger for
any activity.
http://Blog.EzineArticles.com/ 2010/07/motivational-triggers- article



Hello Philip,

Here is the first edition of the EzineArticles.com Article Writing: Paragraph

and Grammar Structure Training Series.

Merriam-Webster Definition of “Paragraph”: A paragraph is a subdivision
of a written composition that consists of one or more sentences and deals
with one point or gives the words of one speaker.

Topic Sentence: A topic sentence is the first sentence of your paragraph. 
It should be the most general sentence in a paragraph and should
introduce the overall idea that you want to discuss later in the paragraph. 
Indentation of the first word in your topic sentence is no longer needed.

 Example: Suppose that you want to write a  paragraph about article
marketing.  The  topic sentence leading your paragraph  might look like this:

 “Writing dozens, hundreds or even thousands  of articles and making
them available for  distribution is one of the best ways to ensure
 that your website gets surges in traffic over  the long-haul.”
 -Christopher Knight, CEO, EzineArticles.com

Note: The topic sentence introduces the topic in a  general manner and
sets up the rest of the  paragraph for detail-oriented sentences. When a
reader reads a topic sentence, a question should  usually appear in the
reader’s mind. In this case, the  question should be “Why” and the reader
should  expect that the rest of the paragraph will give an  answer to this

Supporting Sentences: Supporting sentences must “support” or explain
the idea expressed in the topic sentence. Details are important to help
your reader understand exactly what you are writing about. It should answer
the question posed by your topic sentence.

Example: Your supporting sentences for your  paragraph about article
marketing might  look like this:

 “When you put your articles into distribution  (meaning you submit them
to ezine publishers  and the article sites that ezine publishers visit
for fresh content), you increase your chances  of getting picked up as
supplemental content  by ezine publishers.  They take your article and
send it to their email newsletter membership  or add it to their website.”
 -Christopher Knight, CEO, EzineArticles.com

Note: Most paragraphs have 5-7 supporting  sentences.  If writing about
a strategy or giving tips or list items, bulleted or numbered lists can be
 helpful here instead of full supporting sentences.

Concluding Sentence: The concluding sentence usually occurs at the end
of a paragraph and summarizes the information presented in the paragraph.  It is similar to, but not exactly the same as the topic sentence.

Example: Your concluding sentence for your paragraph about article
writing might look  like this:

 “The article writing labor investment and distribution submission can pay
off with surges in traffic to your website for many years to come without
having to buy the traffic.  Consider it an investment in building your
 website’s traffic-future.”
 -Christopher Knight, CEO, EzineArticles.com

Note: Concluding sentences are primarily used in the formal writing of
long paragraphs with multiple details in the supporting sentences. 
Short paragraphs (2-3 supporting sentences) do not require a concluding

The next edition of the EzineArticles.com Article Writing: Paragraph and
Grammar Structure Training Series will explore paragraph coherence and unity.

Ready to submit your next set of quality original articles?
 --> http://EzineArticles.com/

To Your Article Writing/Marketing Success & Passion!
Christopher Knight
Christopher M. Knight, Publisher


Ezine - Great Information Direct from them



7-22-10  -  SQUIDOO OF THE DAY - After spending  some time today hunting around Squidoo, I decided to examine the Squidoos of the Day.....here is the link.  Go to Squidoo of the Day   If you are going to do squidoos, which are quite easy, then spend some time, if you can, and take a look at the Best of the Best.  Analysis them and see which you like best and figure out WHY they were designated as Squidoo of the Day.  You can see the pictures used and the best way to present the text and products shown and all that stuff.  More on that down below.  You can use these squidoo's as a pattern.

Hi.....I am a NEWBIE - 7 Weeks New (May 30) and decided to start a new little FREE - Unofficial Newbie Club.....and we have gotten a few questions already. Your are invited to participate today. WA is jammed with good stuff.

Keep coming back to this blog as we will add links to the different segments to my new  Phil's MINI-BUSINESS PLAN (Please  scroll down) below so you don't have to go huntin' for critical info. The plan is from my notes.  I sure hope this helps you as we struggle along. Don't waste money on junkie offers...I found WA is real good.  One exception is the stuff Pot Pie Girl offers. Real good.  There might be others on WA....let me know if you find other great offers.....thanks 


The Best Width for your Website
When a visitor hits your web site, they go through a
visual experience. How you present that experience is
going to decide whether the visitor feels comfortable
enough to stay on the site, or feels uncomfortable and
wants to leave.
The first most apparent part of that visual experience
is the width of your page.
Look at it this way: When you go to a movie theater,
where do you sit? Do you sit in the front row? Most people
Why don't most people like to sit in the front row?
1. It's simply TOO close to the action for comfort.
2. Being too close to the action makes people nervous.
3. To SEE all the action, you have to almost turn your
   head from side to side.
4. You feel like you can't take in an overview of the
   whole show, because it's too up-close and in your face.
So, if most people don't like to sit in the front row at a
movie theater because it makes them uncomfortable for so many
reasons, why force them to do it on your website?
Websites that stretch all the way from one side of the screen
to the other site are simply too wide. A visitor can't take
in the critical initial visual impact of the site all at once,
and that confuses their eyes.
Look at it another way: We're used to reading from, writing on
and printing written material on 8 1/2 x 11" paper.
Magazines, notepads, printer paper, almost everything we read
and write on is 8 1/2 inches wide. It's what people are used to.
If you can set the width of your website at about 960 pixels,
your site will show up on most computer screens about as wide as
an 8 1/2 inch sheet of paper, and your site visitors will be much
more comfortable on the page.
I know that lots of pre-built site templates make this hard to do.
If you use a store builder that makes it hard to do, do it even
if it's hard.
If you have a store builder that makes it impossible to do, go
looking for another store builder. This is a very important factor
in making and increasing your website sales!


More stuff that is similar to above....this will all be consolidated into one overview.

Make data base with affiliate links that I belong to with the passwords etc.

  1. Theme Key Word                                                        ________________________
  2. # Mo. Searches – Google         about 1,000 +_            ________________________
  3. # Mo. Searches – Click Bank                                       ________________________
  4. DOC Competition                                                        ________________________
  5. Click Bank Gravity                                                       ________________________
  6. Find Landing Page
  7. Pay Per Click Amount – over $1.00 – good comm..     ________________________
  8. Annual History – rising or seasonal                               ________________________
  9. Google – Look up top ten sites listed on search ________________________
  10. Do they have KW in url ?                                             ________________________
  11. LST
  12. WonderWheel – Dig down three levels for great ideas and great Keywords to use.
  13. Traffic Travis -  good tool to check out….great tutorial videos..all free to watch.
  14. Tags to use      ___________________________ _________________________
  15. Check the top ten on Google returned page 1 for exact url in  H1 Tags description and Meta…takes time…but do it and get this right…perfect.
  16. PK Kw in first 50 words
  17. Include KW in first 100 words
  18. Include KW in internal links
  19. Traffic Travis – put in url in SEO phrase ..it gives ratings
  20. Check these site statistics at SEO Quake and MNFinder.
  21. Google Page ranking -  how many other pages are linking to me
  22. High page ranking is important…work on this daily
  23. One good link worth much more than low rank link
  24. Get back links from articles, blogs and directory submissions
  25. Look at DOC…competition lower the better – 0-20 is best ..but ok up to 50
  26. Find the DOC’s that look best and go back and research these kw
  27. Go to Clickbank and check the gravity of each kw
  28. Check top ten urls in google search and see how many have the kw in the url
  29. Look at the top ten back links on SEO Quake
  30. Use Click banks statistic…..SEO Quake Statistic.  KWRS and MNFinder
  31. Carefully plan approach to each squidoo, blog or site such as Amazon, Yahoo, Ebay, etc.
  32. Pick buyers Keywords
  33. Check the Adwords ads and see the cost to advertise these kw
  34. Don’t sell again….explain benefits in non bias manner…..no hype
  35. Put in google and clickbank the long tail kw and see if people are search it
  36. Example was “ Stop sweating and start living -  see how many are searching
  37. check the Search and Review results
  38. Pick the fight carefully
  39. Check on their Backlinks…..
  40. Look up the top ten sites listed on the google search
  41. Determine how well they have done there site SEO
  42. Two things to check…their On Page SEO and their Off Page SEO ( backlinks )
  43. Google kw with “     “’s
  44. Check number of results shown  1 -   competing phrases
  45. Fast method is using the AllinTitle at Google which will show how many competing sites are with that exact keyword
  46. IF the competing web sites have their Keyword  in their URL then they are SEO up and that they are targeting this exact same keyword.  Look for under 5,000
  47. Do On Page SEO on my sites to be sure it gets the best results…every page
  48. Look at the pages that I will compete with and see if they put their KW in their Title, Description and HI Tags…Just Google my proposed KW…get the page returned and check out the top ten listings to see if they have this done….many won’t have done it.
  49. Analysis the top 5 sites returned and determine if I can be in the top 3 or forget it and move on.  You need to be in the number 1 position…so all work is done with this in mind.
  50. *** If the top three have no done this SEO in these three places…then I will have a good chance of getting to the top # 1 position fairly easily by doing this myself.
  51. By targeting the exact phrase, you will come across to Google as more relevant, especially when you build back links with that exact phrase as your anchor text.
  52. So go check the top five Title, Description and HI tags.  Go to their page and check the Source code for each area.
  53. <title>  See if this exact KW is there in the brackets</title><br />
  54. is the Meta  --  see if what they have is the EXACT KW
  55. H1 Tag….this is the main heading tag….do a Control F for find and type into the search bar H1 …it will show ……

      See if it is exact or not.

  56. Page Rank  -  Use SEO Quake…which I downloaded onto the PC
  57. Find the SQ icon on the bottom right of the screen
  58. click on the icon and it will turn SEO on…then click Preferences
  59. Then look at Google Page Rank and the Yahoo Links selected
  60. Look at the PR and the L (backlink)  Page Rank is 1 – 10…high is a better ranking…their  rank should be 4 or less….indicates they have a weak ranking
  61. Top five listings for this KW should not be over 4 or 5 or forget it and move on
  62. Back Links…find out how many backlinks these top five competitors have
  63. It is shown as L…..same place…..if they are over 50 ….not good..s/b less…under or even under 10 is best…they don’t have much and I can beat them;.
  64. Summarize
  65. If you are using the AllinTitle…it should be 50,000 and 5,000 or less
  66. Or more detailed method is to  check top 5 sites that have less than 50 backlinks and have not done their SEO in the three sections on each page of their site and with Page Rank 4 or less..if they have more than 50 backlinks but the other things are not good…then it might be ok.
  67. On Page SEO….make a blog….Wordpress or Blogger…free.
  68. Get a domain name with kw in the url
  69. Write good content…no selling….
  70. Meta Tags :  The search engine Bots read this info…use the exact kw phrases you want to bet ranked
  71. Three areas :  Title – Description and KW tags….H1
  72. Wordpress and Blogger makes it easy…fill in the places where they designated this info
  73. Heading Tags  This is the H1 and H2 tags … Put in the exact KW phrase
  74. Keyword Density :  Use the Kw in the body of the content 3-5%...not more
  75. Bold Keywords - Bold the kw in the Kw phase in the content – maybe 3 – 4 times
  76. Keyword Phrase in first 50 words….just once is ok
  77. Links Leaving the page -  Make sure there is a link on the page that is leaving the page and has anchor text that is the Keyword phrase…..
  78. Internal Links from other pages – have links from other pages on this same site with  anchor link used with the exact keyword.
  79. LSI Keyword – Google searches your site for other related keywords in the text.
  80. Use the Google KW tool…find the related kw there and put some in
  81. Alt Tags and Title Tags…use them too to get a best ranking
  82. Images :  For images… be sure that the alt tags has the kw text in itjust type in the kw in the alternate text field below the picture
  83. alt= “product xxxxreiview:   title=”xxx review”
  84. Out bound links…..Link up with good authority pages
  85. Some are Wikipedia, Cnn, Clickbank, Youtube etc. …. Link to them from my pages……help ful links for people to use.
  86. If using Wordpress use the AllinOne SEO Pack
  87. Download from here www.wordpress.org/extend/plugins/all-in-one-seo-pack/
  88. Link Building ; Anchor Links.  These are links that you add when doing a article submission where you put in your signature.  To learn more please visit :Product xyz.  Keep the same anchor text always.
  89. IP Diversity.  Make links back from other sites….use different sites…not always the same place.  You are better off with 100’s of links from hundreds of different sites.
  90. Authority Sites : Education and government domains are great places to get backlinks fromj.  They are gov and edu
  91. No Follow  :  No follow tags.  These are text inserted into the text that tells the search bot to skip these links….skip for now
  92. Contextual Links  :   These are the best links you can get.  Write articles and put your links in the text. 
  93. Banners.  Find sites that have few Adsense ads and no banners.  Place affiliate banner in and the Adword ads here….no competition and the people that find these niche pages are searching for something specific…these banners and adword ads are cheap too.  Get this from KWRS
  94. Put up there assorted banners and adsense ads.
  95. Then learn about social sites…..set up for $150.00 Facebook and Twitter etc.
  96. Linkedin site

Do these things….get to number one spot on the google search results….top three or don’t bother.  Just find little niches that will allow this.



Google searches  ______________________

DOC ________  Competition

Gravity ____________  Popularity…higher is better  50 +

Landing Page ______ How does it look ?

PPC Amount _______ over $1.00 is ok (banners are much less )

Top 5 on Google first page.  ____ check these out and make a my info page for each

Is the exact keyword in the url  _____________ yes  ___________no

LST  ______________

Wonder Wheel  _________________________

Tags to use

SEO Quake


Title ________________________ is the exact keyword there ?

Desc________________________ is the exact keyword there ?

HI Tag ______________________ is the exact keyword there ?

Page rank ___________________

# of backlinks ________________

Can this Keyword make it to the top ?  ___________________

Wealth … health ……topic/niche that has ready buyer with money in hand and a need to solve.  Women are great buyers online now.

Perma Links very important

Makes the url look better

Go to page 60 on the Wordpress Goldmine pfd for info.

Alt Text  very important…….page 60

Go to page 61 for a great video


Ezine.com allows two links only per article

Follow their rules to a tee !

General Notes to follow to get started

( If this gets long and I ramble on a bit….please remember I am trying to set up my own little plan to follow….so I tend to lecture myself some.  I had two teeth removed…bottom right….and it hurts while I am working on this…but I will work on it all weekend and get  it done by Monday if possible.  Be sure to take time and watch thsse videos after you read through this once. )  You will see that I have gone back and added little ideas from my notes that are in smaller size text.  Try to turn TV and radio off and get some place alone to stay focused while you read this……skip the email too …do that first.  Focus is king.  I have to do this or I get ‘pulled’ in every direction and it is hard to get back on track.  But I am 67 so all the multi tasking is hard to step away from for me now. …Good luck with that too )

1.  Keyword/Niche – Get Url and get items below ready and organized in one place

Dig out 5 or ten or even 20 excellent keywords in narrow niche.

Find Products -  Go to www.clickbank.com  or others like  www.Shareasale.com    etc

2.  Product - Get all the products lined up with the code. ( CBEngine.com & CBTrends.com

Use products to start that have Now-Buyers who have a problem to solve….fast….who needs a solution..remedy…..has pain…..relief…..stuff like that with buyer having money in hand ready to buy now.

Rmemeber to that women tend to be big buyers online…..and holidays are good..gifts….that kind of thing.

3.  Pictures – Find pictures from Vendor and/or Flickr….

4.  Videos – Get code and have ready to place.

5.  Articles -  Make three articles and have ready to post.  Then make up 8 more articles…all very good.  Go to ezine.com and find articles on that site and look up the most popular and best authors on the subject and go look at their article content, their products, landing pages, web sites and go to their source to find their keywords.  See if there are spelling and SEO errors and then look at the number of articles they have submitted.  If they have a lot of articles submitted than they are probably making good money in that niche……notice that the best of these authors stick to between 250 – 300 words…that’s it…and that they do the resource box very well too.

6.  Ezine.com -  This is one of the good aritlces sites to use.

7.  Monetize – Means to make money.  More below.

8.  Add more pages/products/articles

9.  Google – 1st Page

Make sure the product can get to Googles first page in top 3 positions or skip it.

10.  Narrow niche…Traffic – approx. 30 day/1,000 mo. 

11.  Lower competition…..good commerciality…..url available…..weak competition with incomplete SEO and product that sells and needed…..solves problems etc.

12.  Keep sites very simple and in a niche I know and understand so that I can make my own articles easily.  Get product whenever possible…use videos…keep articles between 250- 300 words and do not sell…write article as if it is for your mother….people skim and scan….make it easy to read…..bullets and things like that.  Pre-Sell only…let product do the selling.

As soon as the above items are gathered, organized and ready….setting up the Wordpress and Squidoo can be done in less than an hour.  Have these few items ready and just assemble the site.  It is much easier to go from A-Z in a few hours than to start/stop pulling things together.  Do each one above very carefully and slowly….no rush…..get it right the first time….be as exacting as possible to avoid lousy construction and lousy content.  In the end…..a solid foundation with a great product and excellent video/pictures and complete SEO will get to Googles first page and in the top 3 positions.  Statistic show that after the 3rd position you will get very little traffic…..so the niche MUST be narrow and with excellent article content, etc.

Plan for Wordpress sites &  Squidoo

Physical Product or Digital Product – Decide first – go with Physical…much bigger market with less competition and easy.  Everything I read points now to Physical products as best to start with.  Then can add similar products on the site that are totally revellant….example is say Golf clubs….then buyer may need accessories too.

Every day there are people like Oprah that suggest products and it comes via news releases. 

Watch news releases for early  discovery of good products to put up fast.  Get the article out on ezine quick, etc.

Ideas for Niche & Keywords

Go to Amazon – CJ – Clickbank – Google Wonderwheel and find most popular selling items.  Go to Micro Niche Finder and get into Brainstorm and  Hot Trends.&n

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Maghdalena Premium
Great Job, Phil.

For anyone who wants or is interested in free software(*not* shareware*, just go to http://www.worldstart.com. They have an ebook that has loads of software that can save us all a lot of money, not to mention time. It does take a Premium membership to get it, 12 bucks a year, yep, that's it, and the ebook on free software is yours for the download. It's called "Worldstart's Ultimate Freeware Guide". They have a shortcut guide too called "Worldstart's Ultimate Shortcuts Guide" where they give keyboard shortcuts to many popular programs. They also have a neat Computer Tips Newsletter full of helpful tips Monday-Friday.
phbreez Premium
klrrider Premium
22. Use a plain text editor to clean up content before posting... this will clean up any hidden code and make your editing life much easier.

Keep up the good work!
I know it's a little premature for me to respond to this as I'm less than a week at it and haven't gotten solid results yet. However, I wanted to point out that I am journaling my progress on my blog, so anyone who wants to follow along can take a look. Time will tell how my story develops, but I figure it's worth chronicling because if/when I am successful I can go back and use it as material to write out my own testimonial to later use as a sales tool. I guess I would encourage all the newbies to do the same. As I writer I believe you can't lose that way. You will have solid material to draw on later to recruit new WA'ers through the WA affiliate program.