An Email I got from Carson at WA....good one

Last Update: June 18, 2010

This is a email I got today from Carson and I want to have it here to remind me as a newbie to keep at it and to get it going.  So today I am going to do just the letter...thanks Carson.... Phil


Hey Phil ,
Carson here.  I hope you are having a good day thus far!
Today I want to chat to you about the main components of Internet marketing.  The two items that lead to success...and the two items that people tend to have a tough time wrapping their heads around.
First, Research...then Action.
One of the biggest problems people have and my natural fear for you is that you will spend all of your time learning and researching, but when it comes to the actual "action" part you never take the leap. 

( I added the bold,etc.)


We always like to go back to the "surgeon" example. 
You cannot become an expert surgeon, nor can you make money as a surgeon by reading a book. 
You need to apply what you learn in school, and perform a real-life working practicum before you become qualified (and can actually work on people and make money doing so).
The same goes for Internet marketing. 
You cannot read a tutorial, watch a video, or follow through a guide and expect to become highly successful.  You need to "apply" what you have learned.  In other words, you need to...
I do know this can be tough for some people.  When you take action, you can fail. 
However, without failing, you cannot succeed.   It really is a catch 22.  You cannot hit a homer the first time you step to the plate!  You cannot make a million bucks the first campaign you create.
Because of the "scared to fail" thinking, we suggest this:
Spend 50% of your time learning and researching at WA.
Spend the other 50% of your time taking action on what you learn.  In other words implementing.
An action could be:
-building a web page
-building an ad group
-writing an article
-signing-up to an affiliate program
-making a blog post
-creating a website
-designing a graphic
-creating an advertising account (Adwords, Bing)
-submitting an article
-getting incoming links to your article, blog, or website
Anything that is an implementation step (not reading, not research, not playing), can be considered an "action".
Action leads to success.  If you have been spending all of your time learning thus far, you need to incorporate action steps into your daily marketing activities.  It does not have to be huge steps as you need to get to the first base camp before you can get to the top of the mountain. 
Hope this helps you out and if you do have any questions about "action", please make a post in the WA Forum.
To your success,
Wealthy Affiliate


Thanks Carson....we need these suggestion often....I save them all...Phil



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R-L-Atch Premium
That's an excellent point "Take Action!" - that's the exact point I was trying to make in one of the forums to another member and my comments were misconstrued by another member who found me to be "non-supportive"... The fact is, I sat around and read and read and read for my first 6 months and guess what??? I didn't have any sales lol... As soon as I took "action" and "applied" what I have learned thus far, I began making sales. Now I'm applying and doing something every day, but I still have a lot to learn! Thanks for sharing this Phil! Cheers... Rob
NEA03 Premium
Yup, right on
Jamie Smith Premium
Carson ROCKS!
Moonstone Premium
So true.
jatdebeaune Premium
Nice letter from Carson. Thanks for sharing it.