Check this Out for Easy NewBie Stuff

Last Update: June 30, 2010

Hi......Looking for an Idea ? I decided to read everything for hours on end.  I am a speed reader fortunately.  If you are new and stuck, please read this to the bottom.

I discovered one little tip to handle long online reading...if you don't like to read.

I had this 96 page PDF that I downloaded.  Even me....Fast-Phil the speed reader.....I thought...Oh much....not enough time...what is this ?

So my neighbor said....just go to View and hit the read thing and it will read it to you...just sit back, relax and take your notes....worked great....try it if you like.


I was reading away and following the lead of the POT PIE GIRL here on WA and decided that by 1 pm I would STOP and start a Squidoo Lens like I mentioned in my last POST.

But first I thought....go to the pool for a few today here in Southern Florida...humid...and think.  Stop and Think....there is a new one for me.

So having been in the resort business for 30+ years I thought how can I use my background going forward with this project to make a few bucks. 

They say to use your expertise

So I also like to ride my bike each day and keep my weight under control.  I lost 31 lbs. recently and am keeping it off too.  So I decided to start with the bike thing first and then over to the resort next.

Here it is......I thought well there are at least six bike shops in town.  So I went to them all and asked some questions.....Are you doing much sales online using your web site I asked.  They all ... not really...once in a while.  

Hm....I thought....great.

So I BS 'ed with them a little and tried to become friends etc.

Went to them all...Same a web site, but nothing going online


 So I went back and looked up the bike shops in town again and found only one was on Googles first page.  So It examined that one site carefully....went to the source and looked at the keywords they are using and then the light went on.

I thought this is a good looking site with tons of information I need.

So I went through the list of products and found that they have lots of different types of bikes......Mens, ladies, kids, recumbants, comfort/hybird, racers, beach bikes...all kinds of bikes.

It occurred to me that all I had to do was pick one type of bike and make a Squidoo lens and put in a picture, a was right there for me and then all the info and text I needed was right there too.  

So I grabbed the text...cut and paste into notepad and recreated all the text I needed for both the Lens and articles.  I found tons more info on other sites and at the manufacturers sites.  I just rewrote it all...and made it much better I might say.  They were way to wordy.

Then I googled for bike was it.  Jumped over there....saw there was tons of good stuff.  Then jumped over to Clickbank and found great stuff there too.  Then jumped over to Ebay....tons of stuff there too.

So in less than an hour I had it going.  

Like I mentioned before I used Micro Niche Finder to find the correct keywords that has good commerciality...meaning it has buyers......urls and all they offer.

So think about it.....what an easy way to find a niche product/keyword.

Then it dawned on me to go to google and trends and find the top ten most popular selling items....then find out if there is a local shop and put them together.

So I will find shops in my town.....that sell one type bikes or shoes or dresses..whatever....then be sure that the type shop is in the top ten items selling online....and put a site/lens together and get some traffic coming in. I'll first check to see what is in the top ten ... and then see if there is that type of shop or service in town.....first things first....had that backwards.

Then go back to the shop keeper and make a deal....either sell the site to them or give it to them for a a nice new bike and accessories in exchange.  One of the six shops will go for it....and if not..... then just keep it and continue to do article marketing and Facebook, Twitter & Adwords, etc.

I think I will use the site....30 days free to analysis the sites that I target to beat. 

That Raventool is amazing. When you run out one of those reports and show it to a business will be impressive. Everything you ever wanted to know about a web site is there for review.  It shows what is wrong with the site and what should be done...all in one report.

Since I know from the report exactly which site is returned in the number one position and I can see that their SEO is poor but they have a great site...( Some Keyword Tools have a section that identifies lousy SEO work....great to discover)...then the store owner have spent big money to get a nice site and if we can take away that number one slot for our site, they may want to either be listed on my little site as a local bike shop or buy the site from me. Win-Win for everyone.


So we make a site that we either sell....(so we make it really nice with excellent SEO and great products, pictures, videos and articles, etc.) or we keep it and go back to the shops and get them to advertise with us as we are in the Number 1 Position....nice.....hope it works.

Then do it again and again for other things.  I found that many people go to bike shops and find the bike they want and then go online and buy it cheaper.

People are smart....they buy the price and get the exact product for less.

And.....many people will buy a bike frame locally and then go online and buy all the pieces/parts that they want .... so we can offer all the parts too

Not bad if it works.  I think it should work and it makes my little plan come alive. I'll be very happy to have a do-it and reload system so I don't have to jump around trying everything.  

I am really hoping to hit on one really good little system and just keep doing it again and again...especially on some subjects that I like...not work then.

This one guy I read about today....lets see his name is Captain Squidoo...... done over 1,000 sites/lens..if I remember it must work very good for him.  He is a must read...just go over to and look him up and read everything he has to will be surprised at what he has to say. It does take time....but so did four years of college way back when and all I learned was how to drink and chase women constantly. What a waste of time and DADS money. 

I am working on the little Squidoo lens and will put it up here for you to see tomorrow some time.  Then maybe if you like the idea, give it a try in your town.  Just pick a bike shop if you want to just copy my know...modify it and all...then see if you can do the same.

Heck.  I made that little site for window shutters last week and found a great company who pays $20 bucks for each lead they get from my Squidoo.

I was happy to see that I had exactly ten leads in the past seven days and that little Squidoo lens was only up for about a week.  Wow...So...I actually put my brothers name and my phone in the form that is used to pay me the $20 bucks to see what would happen.  Within twenty minutes my phone rang and it was the company sales department following up.  I was impressed.  System seems to work.

Hope some one likes this little a comment here to let me know if you have a moment.  If you are gonna try it...PLEASE let me know so we can see how well it works.  

Hope to hear from your via the comment below...many thanks !

After thought....

Okay....I just came back and added this little idea. 

Why not find a little-narrow niche in your own home town.....and find one that has say lousy SEO done but made it to number one position on a slim google search and then you know you got really weak competition...and they may have a great site, but a site that is kinda dead.  So right up front you know you can knock em out and take first place. 

Then go and make the site and knock them out.  Why fight a strong-well done number one site when we can find a small niche and the top number 1 is not too great.  If the number two and three sites are not even relevant ..... as I found today.....then there it is...worth the effort.  And I found that can make the in depth anaylsis and produces a totally cool report too.

 So it seems that finding a very narrow niche...with weak competition in number one spot ...with lousy unfinished SEO traits should perhaps mean that we will know up-front that there is a really really good chance to get to number one position.  Ka-ching !

I read that the statistic for a position under number 3 on the first page gets not much it is imperative to get the top number one position or just go to another narrow niche where it almost a sure thing with constant effort.    

 Yes ????? Help me figure this out so we have a really good little system.

thanks again.... Phil



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Jonathan93 Premium
Howdy! Great post; kudos. I have a question about something you wrote at the beginning: "I discovered one little tip to handle long online reading...if you don't like to read. . . .So my neighbor said....just go to View and hit the read thing and it will read it to you." Which application were you using that automatically reads a document to you?


reefswimmer Premium
Great thinking as always, Phil. I know there are systems for doing this, often by people who suggest you continue on and be the webmaster, But your ideas seem smarter. oh, and I think I've seen a system that suggests that you do a website like, the 4 best bike shops in xyz city. Just make sure there's more than 4 bike shops in the city, so you have people eager to get one of the slots. Musical chairs. Then, says the system, you rinse and repeat for nearby cities with bike shops, or for the 4 best..whatever else...businesses in your city. Could be profitable fun !
Diane, reefswimmer.
jatdebeaune Premium
Very enterprising. There are so many local businesses that have websites that are not optimized or anything else and they just sit there. I like the way you are thinking. Let us know how it turns out. Curious about Raven Tools. Is it free or did you pay for it? Thanks Phil.
wildflower40 Premium
Goodmorning Phil, Love your posts and feel I am right there with you as you are figuring things out and teaching. Thank you. I like the bike idea! For a newbie you are advanced to me. By the way still working on my lens--the article writing part.
fyerfighter82 Premium
Wow I like how you followed potpie girls information. I will try it also to see. Since I to have a interest in bikes. I hope it works well and I will follow up to see your progression.

Best Regards